
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Defenestrate, real name 'Karl Daniel Kappus, Jr.,' was born in 1975. His friends, few though they be, call him "Dan." He is one of the most notable lamers in the United States, well-known for his anonymity. Some say that Defenestrate has a self (philosophy), while others dispute this assertion. Some would say that he is ugly, while others would disagree.

Defenestrate may or may not, depending on whom you ask, spend a significant, but unmeasurable amount of his time that is probably most of his time on Wikipedia trashing or rewriting text that some people have said is too wordy, is POV, is nonsense, contains undocumented claims, or may have been written in wishy-washy third person prose like these two paragraphs.

You can find out more information at , his webpage.


[edit] Focus of Edits on Wikipedia

I want to spend time on Buddhist topics, especially rounding out articles about Japanese lineages.

More generally, religion, philosophy, Latin American topics, hard sciences, and social anthropology are areas of interest.

[edit] Origin of name

The word defenestrate means "to throw out the window," from French/Latin "de-" + "fenestra," window. Perhaps this is like a gangster, who throws his traitor cousin from the 32nd floor, or, even better, like a psychedelic mushroom that forces the violent abandonment of self.

The real last name, Kappus, in German means "annoyingly hard for customer service lackeys to spell."

[edit] There's nothing here to see, but you have a Wikipedia addiction

You know it's true.

[edit] More than three headers gets me a table of contents