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[edit] Events
[edit] Political prisoners in Soviet Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
[edit] 1940-1941
In every county center of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina there was an NKVD headquoters. Many arrested people were taken there to never be seen again. When the Romanian army arrived in July 1941, shallow graves were discovered in all of them in cellars, in courtyeards, or in wells. I read about those in Chisinau, Orhei, Tighina, Soroca, Cernauti, Cetatea Alba. None of them contained particular big number of people: generally around 40-50 each, with the exception of Chisunau, where there were more. However, the discovered remains showed horible signs of torture: missing limbs and fingers, hands and legs tied with metal ropes, etc.
- in the cellar of the NKVD building on 97, Viilor street, Chişinău were found 87 bodies, including 15 in a common grave, with tied hands and legs.
- in the courtyard of the former Italian consulate in Chişinău, where NKVD had another branch, 80 bodied were unveiled, the majority remained unidentified because of very much mutilation. It appeared that the people were burned during the interogation, and then treated with lime and acids after death. According to their cloves, the victims were mainly priests, students, school students, railroad workers.
- in the cellars of the Mitropolitan Palace in Chişinău were discovered "cells for Romanian nationalists". On 7 september 1941, in Chişinău took place the funerals of 450 people found dead in the Italian Consulate, in the Mitropolitan Palace, in the Faculty of Teology.
- in Ismail, in the cellar of the NKVD headquoters on General Vaiatoianu street were found 6 bodies (5 male, one female), with hands tied at their back.
- in Cetatea Alba, according to a investigation report from November 1941, from the begining of June till 20 July 1941, from the NKVD headquoters in the city were brought 19 bodies and buried in 16 graves. According to the cemetery guardian, the majority did not have cloves, had signs of torture, some where bandaged at the head and the limbs, and had their hands tied. Many more cases of people disapeared from the city were discovered, and it was believed they were deported inside USSR.
[edit] 1944-1956
[edit] Tatarka common graves
From spring till June 1943, in Tatarka, in the Romanian occpied Transnistria, a group of specialists from Odessa (Dr. K. Shapochkin, deputy chief of the Medical-Sanitar Direction of the Government of Transnistria, N. I. Grubianu, the admnistrator of the desinfection section, docentI. I. Fidloveski, chief of medecal-legal expertese and Grigore Tatarciuc, gandarm representative of the Odesa pretorial office) have searched a lot of land of 1000 sq meters, were a big number of bodies was found. At first, it was believed these were victims of NKVD repressions from 1938-40, and of deportees from Besarabia and Northern Bukovina, shot by the Soviets because they could no longer transport them. In order to facilitate the putrefaction process, the lot was covered with animal excrements.
A Romanian intelligence report from 1 June 1943, signed by leutenant-colonel Traian Borcescu states that "On the lot called Spolka, situated 7 km from the railline Odessa-Ovidiopol, between the suburb Tatarka [of Odessa] and the airfield, common graves of NKVD victims were found. The works to uncover the bodies have started on 22 April 1943 and were done by the Military Pretorial Service of Odessa. [...] From the declaration of inhabitants in the vicinity of the lot, it follows that the NKVD troops were bringing corpses during the night in a covered track, and were throughing them into the common grave, and immediately covered. It also follows from these declarations that the road parallel to the lot was totally forbidden to circulation, and were severely garded.
"The investigations show that the executions have increased in pace after 1940, once Bessarabia and Bukovina were occupied.
"Ioan Halip, Grigore Tatarcu and Alexandru Ivanov, from Bessarabia and Bukovina, currently living in Odessa, have recognized at the place among the bodies their relatives deported by NKVD after the occupation.
"The Commission to examine the corpses and determining the circumstances in which the victimes died has determined that the victims were generally shot in the back of the head from a very short distance. The age of the executions is estimated at 2-3 years, the cloves were characteristic to those of inhabitants of Bessarabia and Bukovina."
On 6 August 1943, the legal doctor Alexandru Birkle, oneof the members of the commission that studied the remains found at Katyn, presented a "Provisional medico-legal report on the investigations at Tatarka". In his commission also were members C. Chirila, subdirector of Health in the Government of Transnistria, and one representative each from the mayor office of Odessa, from the Gendarms unit of Transnistria and from the University of Odessa. According to the report, 42 common graves were discovered, and signs of 10-20 others. In each grave were found around 80 corpses. A total approximately 3,500 corpses lie in the 42 graves, and the total number is estimated at 5,000. Only 516 corpses were exhumated [so far], and of these 486 were already examined medico-legally with the following conclusions:
- cause of death: shot in the upper back part of the scull, in a few cases, in the lower back part of the scull.
- shots were delivered from military revolvers, caliber 7 mm and 5.5 mm from immediate distance to the target
- medico-legal researches have demonstrated that the age of the corpses is 3.5-5 years. From the study of several idenity papers found, it follows that some of the victims were from 4.5-5 years (1938)
- no lavrae of insects were found, showing tha the executions took place in a cold weather, and that the bodies were buried immediately after being shot
- the process of putrefaction has been slowed also due to a large number of corpses in a single place
- of the 486 examined corpses, all had hands tied at their back, with the exception of one, which had only the trace of the tied hands
- of the examined corpses, 7 were women and 479 were men, of which one was in military uniform
- 43 corpses had identity papers (exerpts of reports from their arrests and searches), which allowed their identification
- the ones identified were arrested on the territory controlled by USSR (including from 1940 on from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina)
- of 486, 385 were buried, 131 not yet
- age: 20-30 years - 60; 30-40 years - 189; 40-50 years - 186; over 50 years - 81. 7 females and 509 males. 515 civilians and one military (by cloves)
[edit] 13 June 1941 deportation
[edit] Operation Yug
[edit] Operation Sever
[edit] Deportations, other than the above three
[edit] Bălţi POW camp
[edit] POWs, other
[edit] Forced labor
[edit] Moldavian famine (1946-1947)
[edit] Organizations
[edit] Arcaşii lui Ştefan
[edit] Bessarabian Revolutionaries Organization
(Organizaţia revoluţionarilor din Basarabia)
[edit] Black Army, Bessarabia
Black Army (Armata Neagra}
[edit] Democratic Agrarian Party, Bessarabia
Democratic Agrarian Party (Partidul Democrat Agrar)
[edit] Freedom Party, Bessarabia
Freedom Party Partidul Libertǎţii
[edit] Democratic Union of Freedom
(Uniunea Democratica a Libertatii)
[edit] Mişcarea Nordică
[edit] National Patriotic Front (Bessarabia)
National Patriotic Front
[edit] Pământenirea
[edit] "Vasile Lupu" High School Group
"Vasile Lupu" High School Group (Romanian:Grupul Liceul "Vasile Lupu") was one of the first organized anti-Soviet groups in Bessarabia in the wake of its occupation by the Soviet Union on June 28, 1940. It was formed by the students and some teachers of the "Vasile Lupu" high school in Orhei, which was renamed by the Soviets a Pedagogical School.
After a series of small actions, such as writing anti-Soviets slogans on public walls ("Death to the Stalinist occupiers!", "Go home, barbarians!", "Down with the executioner Stalin! Bessarabia to Bessarabians!", "Long live Romanian nation!"), and spread of anti-Soviet manifestos, they attempted what seemed at the time an extrodinary achievment: during the Christmas night 1940, they took down the Soviet red flags, and put up Romanian flags on top of several buildings in Orhei, including the city hall, the Communist Party building, the NKVD headquaters. In January 1941, NKVD managed to crack into the organization and arrest most of its members. The sentence was pronounced on June 24, 1941.
- Dumitru Avramoglo (born in 1922, in Puţintei), condemned to death
- Victor Brodeţchi (b. 1924), condemned to death
- Anatol Cotun, condemned to death
- Onisie Cozama (b. 1922), condemned to death
- Dumitru Dobândă (b. 1922), condemned to death
- Mihail Dobândă, condemned to death
- Antol Duca (b.1922), condemned to death
- Vichentie Eprov (b. 1923), condemned to death
- Haralambie Grăjdianu, condemned to death
- Mihai Grăjdianu (b. 1922), condemned to death
- Antol Guma (b. 1922), condemned to death
- Gheorghe Mihu (b. 1921), condemned to death
- Constantin Sârbu, condemned to death
Most of them were executed in Chişinău on June 27, 1941, according to a report of the Odessa Military Tribunal, signed Axelrod. Other members:
- Vlad Alexeev, condemned, dissapeared in Siberia
- Ion Bacalu (b. 1924), condemned to 25 years emprizonment, dead in detention
- Pavel Boguş (b. 1924, in Mana), condemned to 25 years, dead in detention
- Eugen Braşoveanu (b. 1924), condemned to 25 years, dead in detention
- Serghei Buiuc (b. 1924), condemned to 10 years
- Vsevolod Ciobanu, condemned to 10 years, dissapeared in Siberia
- Nicole Cuculescu (b. 1923), condemned to 20 years
- Oleg Frunză (b. 1928, only 13 years old), condemned to 10 years
- Victor Guma (b. 1923), condemned to 25 years, dead in detention
- Maria Manjaru, teacher, condemned to 10 years for not denouncing, survived
- Gheorghe Martânov (b. 1924), condemned to 25 years, freed in 1954
- Dumitru Munteanu, teacher
- Dumitu Stici, condemned to 10 years, dissapeared in Siberia
The investigation was led by G. Goldberg, chief of the Orhei County Section of NKVD, and was conducted by Konopekin, chief investigator, Terebilo, deputy, Cherepanov, Malinin, Morev, Nikitovich, Plotnikov, and Toporov, investigators.
[edit] 237th NKVD Regiment
237th NKVD Regiment was a convoy regiment of the NKVD, that operated in the Soviet occupied Bessarabia. It is responsible for hundreds, if not thousands of killings of civilians, for escorting political prisoners and deportees, and for protection of important Soviet buildings in the Moldavian SSR.
The regiment was created in July 1940 by order no. 00839 of NKVD. It was composed of three batalions, and had the headquaters in Chisinau, in the occupied Bessarabia. Its first commanding officer was major Semion Antonov. During 1940-1941 it had the mission of protection of the prisons in the cities of Chisinau, Balti, Soroca, Orhei, Ismail, Cahul, Tighina, to escort the prisoners and condemned, and "to roll the special operation of keeping the public order". On 4 June 1941, order no. 022 of the 13th NKVD Division awarded to the regiment the trasmisible Red Flag with mentions "To the best unit of the division for military preparedness".
On 22 June 1941, the unit has formally entered "the fight with the fascist agressors". For the regiment this fight consisted in "organization of the evacuation of the population, evacuation of the prisoners, prevention of prisoner escapes, taking under control and protecting special importance buildings in localities". During the retreat, on 1 August 1941, the Regiment is forced to the frontline near Novo-Ukrainka in southern Ukraine, to support the withdrawl of troops from the Soviet Southern Front, and has 39 KIA. The regiment continued to retreat to Dnepropetrovsk, Artyomov, Voroshilovgrad, Pyatigorsk, Makhachkala, executing "fighting and operative" tasks. It is transmitted to the guard unit commanded by general Maslennikov. On 23 May 1942, for successfully finishing the tasks given to the regiment, and for taking part in frontline action on 1 August 1941, by order no. 288 of NKVD, 1 auguast is declared "the birthdate of the regiment".
At the end of 1942, the regiment is part of the division commanded by general Rodimtsev near Stalingrad. In the down of the Battle of Romania (1944), the regiment is assigned to take hold of Chisinau after the end of the fights, to ensure public order, to protect buildings of special importance, to protect the prisons, and to escort the condamned and prisoners.
[edit] 13th NKVD Division
[edit] People
[edit] Filimon Bodiu
[edit] Nicolae Costin
[edit] Age of 1989
[edit] Stephen the Great Monument
(wiki:ru:Памятники Кишинёва)
[edit] Fall of Communism in Moldova
(wiki:ro:Republica Moldova după independenţă)