Dazhbog Patera

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Dazhbog Patera is a volcanic feature on Jupiter's moon Io. Dazhbog has a diameter of 118.36 km. & is locater 55.1°N & 301.48°E. This volcano is difficult to differentiate from the other volcanos and geological features in some images of Io. In Voyager images, this caldera is quite prominent with its dark reddish floor with a darkish halo around the caldera. However, in Galileo images it is hard to tell where the volcano is. One would suspect that this would mean that it was inactive. But in July 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope using its NICMOS instrument detected a hotspot at Dazhbog.

Dazhbog Patera (right picture)
Dazhbog Patera (right picture)