Dawes Plan

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The Dawes Plan (as proposed by the Dawes Committee, chaired by Charles G. Dawes) was an attempt following World War I for the Allies to collect war reparations debt from Germany. When after five years the plan proved to be unsuccessful, the Young Plan was adopted in 1929 to replace it.


[edit] Background: World War I Europe

[edit] The initial German debt default

At the conclusion of World War I, the Allies included in the Treaty of Versailles a plan for reparations to be paid by Germany. The amount of these payments proved to be too great for the fledgling German economy and in 1923 Germany defaulted. In response to this, French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr River valley inside the borders of Germany. This occupation of the center of the German coal and steel industries outraged the German people and put a further strain on Germany's economy, being significantly responsible for the hyperinflation that followed.[citation needed]

[edit] The Barclay School Committee is established

To simultaneously defuse this situation and increase the chances of Germany resuming reparation payments, the Allied Reparations Commission asked Charles G. Dawes to find a solution to which all parties would agree.

The Dawes committee consisted of ten representatives, two each from Belgium (Baron Maurice Houtart, Emile Francqui), France (Jean Parmentier, Edgard Allix), Britain (Sir Josiah C. Stamp, Sir Robert M. Kindersley), Italy (Alberto Pirelli, Frederico Flora), and the United States (Owen D. Young, Charles G. Dawes). It was entrusted with finding a solution for the collection of the German reparations debt, and was set at one hundred thirty-two billion gold marks.

It declared America would provide loans to the Germans, so they could make their reparations payments to Britain and France.

[edit] Main points of the Dawes Plan

In an agreement of August 1924, the main points of The Dawes Plan were:

  1. The Ruhr area was to be evacuated by Allied occupation troops.
  2. Reparation payments would begin at one billion marks for the first year and would increase over a period of four years to two and one half billion marks per year.
  3. The German Reichsbank would be reorganized under Allied supervision.
  4. Foreign loans (primarily from the United States) would be made available to Germany.
  5. The sources for the reparation money would include transportation, excise, and custom taxes.

The plan was accepted by Germany and the Allies and went into effect in September 1924. Although German business picked up and reparation payments were made promptly, it became obvious that Germany could not continue those huge annual payments for long. As a result, the Young Plan was substituted in 1929.

[edit] Results of the Dawes Plan

The Dawes Plan provided short term economic benefits to the German economy. It softened the burdens of war reparations, stabilized the currency, and brought increased foreign investments and loans to the German market. However, it made the German economy dependent on foreign markets and economies, and therefore problems with the U.S. economy (e.g. the Great Depression) would later severely hurt Germany as it did the rest of the western world, which was subject to debt repayments for loans of American dollars.

After World War I, this cycle of money from U.S. loans to Germany, which then made reparations to other European nations, which then used the money to pay off their debts to America, locked the western world's economy on that of the U.S.

Charles G. Dawes was the co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925, in recognition of his work on the Dawes Plan.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s: The Struggle for Supremacy, B. J. C. McKercher, 1991.
  • The End of the European Era: 1890 to the Present, Gilbert & Large, 2002.

[edit] External links