User:David Paulsen

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[edit] Biography of Rev. David Richard Paulsen


Rev. David Richard Paulsen (born June 27, 1974) Paulsen was born in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. First born child to Gail (Rasleigh) and Kevin Paulsen. David grew up with one younger sibling. He attended several primary schools over his young life, due to his father being in the Army and attended Stanthorpe State High School and leaving in 1990.

[edit] Early life

David's father was in the Army at the time he was born and lived in Brisbane for 2 years before his father was shipped to Albury-Wodonga. This is where is brother was born on the 18th of July 1977. David went to Primary School until year 2, His father was transfered once again back to Brisbane. Of cause the family followed once again and after several years of living in Brisbane and going to school there. His Father retired from the Army and moved to a small town named Stanthorpe. Stanthorpe was David's Mothers birth place and the place were she grew up. David Attended Severnlea State School and Stanthorpe State High School.

[edit] Career

Since around 1998 Paulsen has worked as a Disability Services Officer, He first started as a Volunteer which lead into full time work. He finds this type of work challanging and rewarding at the same time. He obtained his Qualification in Disability Work back in 2002. Still to this day he is working in the same area of work. Way back in Paulsens childhood he has loved the theatre and movies. He had a chance to be in a movie and see how things worked behind the scenes. He took up the opportunity with open arms and now is slowly making his way into this area of work also.

[edit] Ordained

Rev. Paulsen was Ordained into the Universal Life Church in June 2006. As a ULC minister, Rev. Paulsen can officiate Wedding Ceremonies, baptisms, ordain, and any other ritual or ceremony. He can even start his own ministry, but chooses not to.

[edit] Videography

· Strange Bedfellows (2004) Leather boy (extra)

[edit] Books and print media

· What if I am Campain (PLWHA Sydney) · Sex Pigs Campain (PLWHA Sydney)