Davlin Lotze

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Davlin Lotze is a fictional character from the Saga of Seven Suns series of novels by Kevin J. Anderson.

[edit] Biography

Davlin Lotze was hired as an exosociologist employed by the Hansa and was assigned to the former Ildiran world of Crenna. His mission was to covertly investigate the species, to try and discern if they had secrets they were keeping from the Terran Hanseatic League but despite the haste with which the Ildirans fled the planet Davlin failed to find any evidence of such deceit but stayed on Crenna, living in one of the abandoned Ildiran buildings.

Later Davlin was reassigned to investigate the disappearance of the xenoarchaeologists, Louis and Margaret Colicos, which resulted in his rediscovery of the Klikiss interplanetary portal network. During this time he became friends with Rlinda Kett, and became indebted to her when she waited almost a week for his return.

After serving as a transportal explorer for some time, Davlin decided to return to Crenna (dubbing it "the one place that had ever felt like home"). However this sabbatical coincided with a Hydrogue attack on Crenna's sun, leading Davlin to volunteer to travel to Relleker with the colony's only working ship. There he encountered both Rlinda Kett and Branson Roberts, who agreed to help him. Together they succeeded in rescuing the citizens of Crenna, narrowly escaping both the freezing planet and the patrolling Hydrogues.

Returning to Relleker, Davlin discovered the planetary governor had deceived him as a search revealed that they had a working transport that they failed to mentioned when Davlin first asked for help for the stricken residents of Crenna and confronted the governor - Jane Pekar - with the information. This had the effect of the rescued Crenna residents being allowed to stay on Relleker for a short while as well as the return of machinery meant for Corribus to Branson Roberts.

Davlin, Along with the rest of the Crenna refugess were relocated to Llaro, a Klikiss world, via TransPortal during the Klikiss colonisation initiative. On Llaro, the first world that the Klikiss returned to, Davlin is seen as a hero and leader by the Crenna refugess and commands respect from many of the other colonists, roamer detainees included. When the Klikiss shunt the humans out of their city and into a walled camp, it is Davlin that spearheads an escape plan, he studies the Klikiss using Margaret Colicos' help and eventually steals the only working Remora fighter from the EDF hanger and flies it to a series of caves to the east of the camp.

[edit] Appearances/ Sources

  • Hidden Empire
  • A Forest of Stars
  • Horizon Storms
  • Scattered Suns
  • Of Fire and Night
  • Metal Swarm