Davidon-Fletcher-Powell formula

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The Davidon-Fletcher-Powell formula (DFP) finds the solution to the secant equation that is closest to the current estimate and satisfies the curvature condition (see below). It was the first quasi-Newton method which generalize the secant method to a multidimensional problem. This update maintains the symmetry and positive definiteness of the Hessian matrix.

Given a function f(x), its gradient (\nabla f), and positive definite Hessian matrix B, the Taylor series is:

f(x_k+s_k)=f(x_k)+\nabla f(x_k)^T s_k+\frac{1}{2} s^T_k {B} s_k ,

and the Taylor series of the gradient itself (secant equation):

\nabla f(x_k+s_k)=\nabla f(x_k)+B s_k,

is used to update B. The DFP formula finds a solution that is symmetric, positive definite and closest to the current approximate value of Bk:

(I-\gamma_k y_k s_k^T) B_k (I-\gamma_k s_k y_k^T)+\gamma_k y_k y_k^T,


y_k=\nabla f(x_k+\Delta x_k)-\nabla f(x_k),
\gamma_k =\frac{1}{y_k^T s_k}.

and Bk is a symmetric and positive definite matrix. The corresponding update to the inverse Hessian approximation H_k=B_k^{-1} is given by:

H_{k+1}=H_{k}-\frac {H_k y_k y_k^T H_k}{ y_k^T H_k  y_k}+\frac{s_k s_k^T}{y_k^{T} s_k}.

B is assumed to be positive definite, and the vectors s_k^T and y must satisfy the curvature condition:

s_k^T y_k=s_k^T B s_k>0.

The DFP formula is quite effective, but it was soon superseded by the BFGS formula.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • W. C. Davidon, Variable metric method for minimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization 1, 1-17 (1991).
  • Nocedal, Jorge & Wright, Stephen J. (1999). Numerical Optimization. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-98793-2.