David Webber

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Webber participated in the development X12 Future Vision work in 1995 EDI, a focused group of 30+ people including with Edward A. Guilbert, the creator of the original technology. This led ultimately to the co-founding of the XML/edi Group in 1997 (http://www.xmledi-group.com) which Webber chaired the N.American Chapter and then the group develop the principles of XML/edi document. Webber published "Introducing XML/EDI frameworks" in Electronic Markets Journal 1998; 8(1):38-41 which has been widely cited.

From this early work the ebXML Initiative was jointly formed by UN/CEFACT and OASIS and co-sponsored by Sun, IBM, Oracle and others which led to the development of the ISO 15000 ebXML standard in 1999. Active in continuing XML standards development work within OASIS (http://www.oasis-open.org) particularly, he chairs the CAM technical committee, and co-edited the Business-Centric Methodology (BCM) specification.

Webber co-authored the New Riders book "ebXML: The New Global Standard for Doing Business on the Internet" with Alan Kotok (http://ebxmlbook.com/) ISBN 0735711178, Published: August 2001. He holds two US software patents on XML and EDI technologies that have been widely referenced by 26 other patent applications from leading implementing companies such as IBM, Oracle Corporation and Dell.

He is currently active in the field of voting systems and XML, contributing to the development of secure open source software solutions and open public standards (OASIS Election Markup Language). Webber was recognized as a Senior Member of the ACM in 2007 for his work (http://awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?alpha=W&srt=alpha&awd=159) and is a board member of the CUNY XML Center (http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/xmlcenter/xbiodavidwebber.htm).

Webber writes frequently in the industry technology journals, such as the Tech Journal (http://dotnet.sys-con.com/author/3743webber.htm), and SOA Magazine (http://soamag.com/contributors/bio-dwebber.asp).