David Marine

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David Marine
David Marine
David Marine
Born 20 September 1888
Died 6 November 1976
Nationality United States
Fields pathology
Known for treatment of goiter with iodine
Notable awards 1960, Kober Medal

David Marine(20 September 18886 November 1976) was an American pathologist. He is remembered for his trial, with O. P. Kimball as his assistant, of the effect of giving iodide to a large group of schoolgirls in Ohio from 1917 to 1922 and for showing that this greatly reduced their development of goiter.

[edit] Reference

  • Carpenter, Kenneth J (Apr 2005). "David Marine and the problem of goiter". J. Nutr. 135 (4): 675-80. PMID 15795417. 
  • Kimball, O P; Marine D (1992). "The prevention of simple goiter in man. Second paper. 1918". Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) 8 (3): 200-4; discussion 205-6. PMID 1525437. 
  • Marine, D; Kimball O P (Jan 1990). "The prevention of simple goiter in man. A survey of the incidence and types of thyroid enlargements in the schoolgirls of Akron (Ohio), from the 5th to the 12th grades, inclusive--the plan of prevention proposed. 1917". J. Lab. Clin. Med. 115 (1): 128-36. PMID 2405081. 
  • Warren, J V (Dec 1987). "David Marine (1880-1978)". J. Lab. Clin. Med. 110 (6): 813-4. PMID 3316457. 
  • Harvey, A M (Mar 1981). "David Marine: america's pioneer thyroidologist". Am. J. Med. 70 (3): 483-5. PMID 7011009. 
  • Rawson, R W (1978). "David Marine 1880-1978". Trans. Assoc. Am. Physicians 91: 38-9. PMID 382593. 
  • Matovinovic, J (1978). "David Marine (1880-1976): Nestor of thyroidology". Perspect. Biol. Med. 21 (4): 565-89. PMID 362371. 
  • Marine, D; Kimball O P (Sep 1975). "The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. October, 1917. Volume III, No. 1, Pages 40-49. The prevention of simple goiter in man. A survey of the incidence and types of thyroid enlargements in the schoolgirls of Akron (Ohio), from the 5th to the 12th grades, inclusive-the plan of prevention proposed". Nutr. Rev. 33 (9): 272-5. PMID 1099484. 
  • FOLLIS, R H (1960). "Presentation of the Kober Medal for 1960 to David MARINE". Trans. Assoc. Am. Physicians 73: 51-7. PMID 13700542.