David Mahmoudieh

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David Mahmoudieh (born 1983, London, England) is an Iranian screenwriter and film critic.

His credits include the short-stories Perception, Return To Sender and I Kill Kilkally, the short films Confession and Cause & Effect, as well as the screenplays Fool's Gold[1] and Woman Trouble.

[edit] Overview

In 1999 David won The Casa Nostra short-story competition and as a result was approached in 2000 to pen a screen adaptation of Frederick Ayer's turn-of-the-century novel Reminiscences. However, Mahmoudieh turned down the offer in pursuit of his own self-developed projects, including an original comic book and an uncommissioned Batman graphic novel.

In 2005 it was announced that his screenplay Woman Trouble had been optioned by a British-based production company, scheduled for production in 2008.

[edit] Trivia

David Mahmoudieh is also the second-cousin of the award-winning architect and designer Yasmine Mahmoudieh.