David Koon

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David Koon represents District 135 in the New York State Assembly, which includes the towns and villages of East Rochester, Penfield and Webster, New York, among other neighboring communities located in upstate New York.

David Koon was elected to represent the 135th Assembly District in a special election held in February 1996. He was elected to a full term in November of that year. David serves as a member of the Alcoholism and Drug Abuse; Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry; Local Governments; Small Business; and Library and Education Technology Committees. He is also Vice Chair of the Legislative Commission on Rural Resources and Vice Chair of the Legislative Commission on Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste.

Assemblyman Koon has sponsored the following legislation and most recently on March 28, 2008 Assemblyman David Koon (D-Perinton) announced the passage of a bill he authored which allows for the New York State Thruway Authority to issue annual short distance commuter permits on the Thruway in the Rochester area at no charge between interchanges and barriers in the permit area. This bill would allow those citizens who travel for work in the Rochester area to use the Thruway at reduced rates or free of charge (A7094).

Bill # Title

A01648 Eld. EPIC increase income limits

A01649 Soc Serv. rprt fincl explt elder

A01650 St Fin. state,pay bills promptly

A01657 Exec. trafficking of weapons

A01658 Pen L. firearm, violent felony

A01659 Pen L. ban dangerous firearms

A01660 CP L. elec

A01661 BC L. homeowners associations

A01662 Cor. limits rsdncy lvl 3 sx ofnd

A01663 UDC Act. dvlp. bio. researchgran

A01664 Exec. crm.vic.bd.incl.ment.pain

A01665 Exec. trigger locks for police

A01666 Mult Dwel. sex off reg check

A01707 CP L. vict photo at trial

A01708 Pen L. endanger`g assault in pre

A01709 Pen L. repeat assaults: haras

A01710 Pen L. prohib.sale,body vest

A01711 Pen L. manslaughter, peace offcr

A01712 Fam Ct. fam off notice of releas

A01713 V & T L. DWI, med transport

A01714 Tran. haz mat trans sec act

A01835 V & T L. DWI,increase penalties

A01958 Pub Heal. env hlth tracking syst

A02059 Civ Rts. ban some felon name chg

A02083 CPLR. no tort DWI/ felony

A02084 CP L. vict represent sentenc

A02085 Pen L. sexual abuse, child

A02086 CP L. adult treatment; 14 &15 yr

A02276 St Fin. value eng.captal project

A02277 Pub Heal. bill of adoptee rights

A03389 Pub Heal. spec shortage tax cred

A03408 Pen L. Police Offcr Sfty Act

A03409 Exec. sex offender compact

A03410 Pub Heal. loan forg. drs shortag

A03411 Ed L. empire st internshp progrm

A03412 RPT L. STAR for sm business

A03445 Pen L. person. gun safety

A03446 Pen L. control subst schools

A03447 Pen L. criminal poss. weapon

A03448 Pub Aut. grant loans renew energ

A03449 Cor. bars sex offdrs comty svc t

A03450 Cor. elctrnc mntrng crtn sx ofnd

A03451 Exec. gun and bullet data

A03452 Ad Proc Act. ADR & NYS cam pub r

A03453 County. FOIL E911 calls

A03898 RPT L. community residences

A03915 Exec. crim gun clear/house info.

A03916 Jud. compensation of interpreter

A03917 Hway. minimum maintenance highwy

A03939 Ins. liab. recreational land

A03940 Gen Mun. annexation: 2 municipal

A04541 Fam Ct. cemetery desecrate; yout

A04559 Fam Ct. designatd felony; sex cr

A04610 Civ Rts. private right of action

A04678 Pub Serv. teleph chargs sm bsnss

A04683 St Fin. highwy. & bridge fund

A04999 Corrections prison vendor system

A05113 Exec. chancellor salary cap

A05114 Gen Mun. local govt merger

A05178 Elder L. disabled pharmacinsur c

A05179 Gen Ob. safe premises; liability

A05185 Exec. award to crime victim

A05186 Tax. emergency serv voluntr incn

A05199 Pub Heal. home health aide reten

A05209 Hway. highway super; road machin

A05241 Pen L. addtl min, crim use weapo

A05256 Cor. lifetm prob elec mon sex of

A05268 Exec. dcjs; ICE tlphne ;.lbs;`s

A05269 Exec. address confidentiality ac

A05282 Pub Heal. lead-cont. prod.

A05288 Exec. crime victim, counsel. exp

A05292 St Fin. excels linked deposit pg

A05303 Pub Heal. cancer educ prog

A05455 Pen L. prohib gun show pub prop

A05456 Pen L. youth offender; incr sent

A05457 En Con L. open burn of sol was;p

A05481 Ed L. nursing faculty loan forgi

A05482 Gen Mun. mediation land use

A05483 Soc Serv. hearing aids

A05590 Fam Ct. youthful offender; terms

A06186 Pen L. assault of emerg. med. pr

A06346 CP L. elim stat limit violent fe

A06644 RP L. deeds: subdivisons

A06645 UJCA. single justice: towns

A06646 Town. highway service: contracts

A06647 Gen Mun. fees: justice courts

A06686 Ed L. engineer: proj. threshhld.

A06687 Lab. work at home opportunities

A06688 Tax. satellitetaxcredit

A06689 Tax.credit.broadbandinfrastrutur

A06803 Pen L. assault 2/crim use firear

A06832 Pen L. use deadly weapon; felony

A06833 Pen L. firearms, transfer, state

A06834 Gen Bus L. post gas tax at statn

A06906 Ec Dev. preference to sm bus/ent

A06958 Gen Ob. gun locking devices; com

A07083 Ret. Stanley Chizuk prior svc. c

A07093 Study; dangerous firearms

A07094 Pub Aut. commuter passes

A07095 Tax. high tech start-ups:credits

A07124 CP L. repeat felon; yth offender

A07125 UDC Act. Grants: cluster based

A07196 Elect. ballots to be in Braille

A07292 Ec Dev. info & rfrl sytm cll cnt

A07477 Gen Bus L. rifles/shotguns datab

A08076 Elder L. EPIC quartly deduct sch

A08077 En Con L. lead cont jewlry

A08078 Cor. work release prgms

A08236 Retire: William D. Fritsch tier

A08480 Cor. sex offender register photo

A08481 Retire Neil Ganon vacation bens

A08670 Tax. erroneous tax; reimb 10 day

A08782 Exec. pool alarms

A08783 Pub Heal. reimbrs rural hlth car

A08817 RPT L. assessment disclosure

A09115 Cor. sx ofnd regstr verif

A09116 Gen Ob. liab. landowners

A09179 Pen L. threat of bomb

A09180 Exec. CVB witness srvces

A10099 En Con L. ballast water mgt.

A10168 Tran. planning & development

A10169 Ag & Mkts. ag. dist. disclosure

A10170 Exec. local road research counci

A10171 County. elected off. benefits

A10213 Ed L. loan forgiv pgm; librarian

A10214 Men Hyg. sexual viol pred facil

A10224 Pub Heal. clinical laboratory

A10225 Ed L. firefigh/EMS tuition assis

A10226 Gen Mun. zoning overlay district

A10227 Men Hyg. civil confinemnt releas

A10238 UDC Act. farm enrgy effic loan

For complete descriptions, please visit: http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?ad=135&sh=spo

[edit] External links

Preceded by
James Alesi
New York State Assembly, 135th District
1996 – present