David Hare Block

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The David Hare Block is a part of Medical College Kolkata. Most of the General Surgical wards are situated in this building. It is named after David Hare, founder of Hare School.

[edit] Departments

David Hare Block- frontal view
David Hare Block- frontal view

Department of General Surgery (most of the wards)

Department of Radiodiagnosis

Department of Radiotherapy

Department of Vascular and Cardiothoracic Surgery

Office of Superintendent of Medical College Kolkata

[edit] History

The Professor of Surgery at Medical College had no separate Surgical wards and had a single OT at the MCH building. At the instance of Principal G. Bomford and Surgeon Richard Havelock Charles, the building of a modern surgical hospital was undertaken. In 1910, the Prince of Wales Hospital was opened with 88 beds. The total cost of building the hospital was Rs 10,17,585/- & was so named to commemorate the visit of the Prince of Wales to India. It was formally inaugurated on 22nd March, 1911 by H.E.Lady Hardinge. In 1976, the Prince of Wales Hospital was renamed the David Hare Block and a new floor has been constructed.[1] It now houses the Surgery and Cardiothoracic Surgery departments.

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