Data signaling rate

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In telecommunication, data signaling rate (DSR), also known as gross bit rate, is the aggregate rate at which data pass a point in the transmission path of a data transmission system.


  1. The DSR is usually expressed in bits per second.
  2. The data signaling rate is given by \sum_{i = 1}^{m} \frac{\log_2 {n_i} }{T_i} where m is the number of parallel channels, ni is the number of significant conditions of the modulation in the i-th channel, and Ti is the unit interval, expressed in seconds, for the i-th channel.
  3. For serial transmission in a single channel, the DSR reduces to (1/T)log2n; with a two-condition modulation, i. e. n = 2, the DSR is 1/T, according to Hartley's law.
  4. For parallel transmission with equal unit intervals and equal numbers of significant conditions on each channel, the DSR is (m/T)log2 n; in the case of a two-condition modulation, this reduces to m/T.
  5. The DSR may be expressed in bauds, in which case, the factor log2ni in the above summation formula should be deleted when calculating bauds.
  6. In synchronous binary signaling, the DSR in bits per second may be numerically the same as the modulation rate expressed in bauds. Signal processors, such as four-phase modems, cannot change the DSR, but the modulation rate depends on the line modulation scheme, in accordance with Note 4. For example, in a 2400 bit/s 4-phase sending modem, the signaling rate is 2400 bit/s on the serial input side, but the modulation rate is only 1200 bauds on the 4-phase output side.

Based upon Federal Standard 1037C.

Transmission Data Rate Terminology:

Data Rate Abbreviation Lower Upper
Extremely Low Data Rate ELDR 300 bit/s 3 kbit/s
Very Low Data Rate VLDR 3 kbit/s 30 kbit/s
Low Data Rate LDR 30 kbit/s 300 kbit/s
Medium Data Rate MDR 300 kbit/s 3 Mbit/s
High Data Rate HDR 3 Mbit/s 30 Mbit/s
Very High Data Rate VHDR 30 Mbit/s 300 Mbit/s
Ultra High Data Rate UHDR 300 Mbit/s 3 Gbit/s
Super High Data Rate SHDR 3 Gbit/s 30 Gbit/s
Extremely High Data Rate EHDR 30 Gbit/s 300 Gbit/s

Based upon proposal from 1 Mbit/s is defined as 1,000,000 bits per second signal data rate (OSI Layer 1).

[edit] See also