Das Geheimnis der Runen

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Cover of the new German reprint published by Adolf Schleipfer
Cover of the new German reprint published by Adolf Schleipfer

Das Geheimnis der Runen (English: 'The Secret of the Runes' ) is a book by the highly respected Austrian mystic Guido von List, in which he presents his "Armanen Futharkh". It was published in Leipzig and Vienna in 1908 by the Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft (Gross-Lichterfelde). [1]

It was also known as GLB 1 of the Guido-List-Bücherei (GLB) series.

The book was also published as a periodical article as 'Das Geheimnis der Runen' , 'Neue Metaphysische Rundschau' [9] 13 (1906), 23-4, 75-87, 104-26. [2]


[edit] Contents

The book is both a brief summary of the intellectual world of List (Weltanschauung), as realised in the years between 1902 and 1908, and an introduction to the rest of his work.

Dr. Flowers Ph.D. has stated in his introduction to the English translation that: "The runes became the cornerstone of List's ideology, and no other work so clearly and simply outlines his ideas on them."

The book was dedicated to his good friend Friedrich Wannieck and in the introduction before his discussion of the runes there is a copy of a correspondence between Wannieck and List which is reproduced below:

  • Wannieck:

The content of your letter delighted me very much! What you have rediscovered and brought to light is of the greatest interest. -- Whatever official science says about it is unimportant. As Doctor Alfred Russel-Wallace says, science always opposes the discovery of new truths, and it is wrong every time! -- The true scholar may say this as well!

Brünn: 4 November 1902, Friedrich Wannieck MP.

  • List:

To the right honourable Herr Friedrich Wannieck! Most honourable sir and friend! Most honourable sir and friend, I notified you early in November 1902 that during the months that my eyes were bandaged due to the cataract operation, it would be impossible to begin to work mentally on my intended unravelling of the secret of the runes, but at that time -- previously unperceived laws of generation and evolution belonging to our Aryan people, of its emotion, intellect, speech, and writing, came to me. When I reported this to you, you were gracious enough to congratulate me by letter on these discoveries. It is from this letter that I permitted myself to extract an important sentence to serve as a word of dedication for this book and at the same time as an introduction for the entire series of works containing my further investigative discoveries.

Above all, I have your encouraging interest to thank, honourable sir and friend, that I can give myself over to research and am able to dedicate myself to these almost unlimited areas of interest. If I may be allowed, let me dedicate this first publication in the series of my research results to you, most honourable sir and friend, as one of your farsighted works which has grown to maturity.

In highest appreciation, Your constant admirer,

Guido von List. Vienna: 29 April 1907

[edit] English translation

The English language translation of the book was published in 1988] by Dr. Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D. by Destiny Books. English edition: Flowers, Stephen (aka Edred Thorsson) (1988). The Secret of the Runes. Destiny Books. ISBN 0-89281-207-9. 

In the description of the book flowers states that it "is the key to understanding the cosmology hidden in the ancient Germanic-Runic alphabet. Briefly traces the life of List, shares his interpretation of the runes, and discusses the reception of his ideas." and that "The runes became the cornerstone of List's ideology, and no other work so clearly and simply outlines his ideas on them."

Both translation continue to be in print today with other language translation freely available on the internet.

[edit] References

  1. ^ English translation of 'Das Geheimnis der Runen' by Stephen E. Flowers
  2. ^ The Occult Roots of Nazism by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

[edit] External links

[edit] See also

  • Guido-List-Bücherei