Dark Age of Camelot

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Dark Age of Camelot
Dark Age of Camelot Fifth Anniversary Edition box art
Developer(s) Mythic Entertainment


Publisher(s) Mythic Entertainment (US), Wanadoo (DE/FR/UK/SP/IT)
Designer(s) Mark Jacobs
Engine Gamebryo Engine

Foliage - SpeedTree

Platform(s) Windows
Release date October 10, 2001
Genre(s) MMORPG
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: Teen (T)
Media CD or Public Download

Dark Age of Camelot is a 3D medieval fantasy MMORPG that revolves around the war between three realms at the end of King Arthur's rule: Arthurian-inspired Albion, Norse mythology inspired Midgard, and Celtic Hibernia. The game was developed by Mythic Entertainment and released on October 10, 2001.

DAoC offers two styles of gaming for players: Player vs Environment (PvE) and Player vs Player (PvP). Within those two styles, a player can choose to act alone, or he or she can join other players in a group (between 2 and 8 people) in which all of the responsibilties, risks, credits and rewards are shared. Individual players and/or members of a group can also join a Battlegroup, which shares some but not all of the characteristics of a regular group. These are mainly formed for large-scale events, mainly PvE, so that large numbers of players can work together and all achieve credit without having to repeat the events.

DAoC PvP is often referred to as Realm vs Realm (RvR), as the majority of player combat focuses players from the same realm (Albion, Midgard, Hibernia) combating players from the other two. PvP is usually restricted to PvP areas or zones; battlegrounds, New Frontiers, and some dungeons. PvP will offer some money, but not as much as PvE and will not offer any items. You receive Realm Points (RPs) and Bounty Points (BPs) for defeating enemy players in PvP. Earning enough RPs grants you Realm Ranks (RRs) which will offer new skills to the player.

PvE focuses around defeating creatures found around the world. PvE is the only way to obtain new equipment without purchasing, trading, or crafting it. PvE can occur in any playable region in the DAoC virtual world except capital cities and housing areas.

A player creates a character and earns experience and money by hunting and battling non-player characters (NPCs, i.e., computer-controlled animals/monsters), completing quests and tasks, and battling other players. Gaining enough experience on a character will allow the character to increase their level, offering new skills and abilities, and in some cases, access to new areas of the game. Currently, the maximum level attainable is level 50. Expansions to the game offer additional "parallel" levels that, when completed, permit access to unique skills and abilities.

The decision to develop Dark Age of Camelot was made in late 1999[1]. The game was released in October 2001.


[edit] Realms

Dark Age of Camelot offers players a choice of three realms to choose from, based on specific tidbits folklore, fact, and legend.

Albion is based on old Arthurian legend, with such notable real-world places as Hadrian's Wall, and many places based on real English locations (much like Stonehenge). The races are mostly human and have origins in and around old Britain. Hibernia is based around Celtic folklore and legend. The races include fairy-types, with Lurikeen, Sylvans, and Elves, and classes that are more nature-based. Midgard is based on Norse legend, with races such as Dwarves and Trolls, and classes based on worshipers of the old Norse gods of Odin, Thor, Loki, and the like.

[edit] Classes

The classes in the game are:

Albion: Armsman, Cabalist, Cleric, Friar, Heretic (Catacombs), Infiltrator, Mauler (Labyrinth of the Minotaur), Mercenary, Minstrel, Necromancer (Shrouded Isles), Paladin, Reaver (Shrouded Isles), Scout, Sorcerer, Theurgist, Wizard.

Hibernia: Animist (Shrouded Isles), Bainshee (Catacombs), Bard, Blademaster, Champion, Druid, Eldritch, Enchanter, Hero, Mauler (Labyrinth of the Minotaur), Mentalist, Nightshade, Ranger, Warden, Valewalker (Shrouded Isles), Vampiir (Catacombs).

Midgard: Berserker, Bonedancer (Shrouded Isles), Healer, Hunter, Mauler (Labyrinth of the Minotaur), Runemaster, Savage (Shrouded Isles), Shadowblade, Shaman, Skald, Spiritmaster, Thane, Valkyrie (Catacombs), Warlock (Catacombs), Warrior.

The classes are essentially broken down into one of five archetypes: Tanks and light tanks, casters, stealthers, healers, and hybrids.

The tank/light tank classes represent the pure "in your face" melee fighter. The tanker has very little at its disposal in regards to ranged attacks, but they wear the heaviest armour and have the highest melee damage output of any other class. Light tanks have slightly higher damage output and usually wield 2 weapons at the same time, and have slightly more vulnerable type of armor. Some examples of Tank classes are the Armsman, Hero, and Warrior. Some examples of light tank classes are the Mercenary, Blademaster and Berserker.

The casters have the highest damage output potential of all the classes in DAoC, and, played correctly, can be the most powerful characters both in PvP and PvE. Casters have the lowest hit points and are limited to the lowest level of armor in the game, but their extra abilities of "crowd control," spells that immobilize an opponent, and the immense damage capability aids in their survivability. However, their spells can be interrupted and they are usually victims of stealthers as they die easily. Some Casters specialize in the use of "pets," using summoned or controlled pets to aid them in their fights. Some examples of Caster classes are Wizard, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Eldrich, Enchanter, Spiritmaster, Runemaster and Bonedancer.

The stealthers are designed as the primary intelligence gatherers and "hit and run" melee or ranged fighters in the game. Their ability to become invisible allows them to pick and choose their targets, spy and report on enemy activities, and ambush unsuspecting players or monsters. Although the risk exists for them to be uncovered, it is possible for a well-played stealther to walk into the middle of a group of enemies, kill an enemy in one strike, and disappear again before the other enemies have a chance to react. Some examples of stealther classes are Infiltrators, Scouts, Minstrels, Shadowblades, Rangers, Hunters and Nightshades.

Healing classes are the "medics" of DAoC. Specializing in healing and enhancement(buffing) spells, healers are always in demand for both PvP and PvE groups. In most cases, the Healers offensive capability is relatively limited and they can be a difficult class to "level" and nearly impossible to play "solo." Examples of Healing classes are Clerics, Druids and Healers.

Hybrids are a combination of 2 archetypes, but are primarily tank/caster. Hybrids offer a level of versatility not available to the other classes. Hybrids can be difficult to play, as they are not an "expert" in any one discipline and must know how to use their capabilities to complement each other. However used correctly, hybrids can be very effective. Examples of Hybrids are Friars, Reavers, Paladins, Heretics, Valewalkers, Valkyries, Thanes, Wardens and Champions.

Even within each archetype and class, there are numerous variations caused by the ability to specialize in different skill sets.

[edit] Races

The races in the game are:

Albion: Avalonian, Briton, Half-Ogre (Trials of Atlantis), Highlander, Inconnu (Shrouded Isles), Saracen, Korazh (Labyrinth of the Minotaur).

Hibernia: Celt, Elf, Firbolg, Lurikeen, Shar (Trials of Atlantis), Sylvan (Shrouded Isles), Graoch (Labyrinth of the Minotaur).

Midgard: Dwarf, Frostalf (Trials of Atlantis), Kobold, Norseman, Troll, Valkyn (Shrouded Isles), Deifrang (Labyrinth of the Minotaur).

[edit] Server types

  • Normal - 13 servers based on the basic package provided by Mythic Entertainment. These servers are the primary set for gameplay. All expansions are enabled. PvP combat only takes place in the PvP zones (New Frontiers, Battlegrounds, Darkness Falls, etc.).
  • Classic - 3 servers similar to the Normal servers, except that the PvE regions opened by the Trials of Atlantis expansion have been removed (thus, the Artifact items and Master Levels included in those regions are also unavailable). The character-statistics buffing system has also been altered so that the character giving a concentration-based buff must be in group with the recipient and within 5000 units of distance from the recipient to give and maintain the effect of the buff spell. These servers were created in response to player requests for reduced damage for longer battles and eliminate the use of 'buff bots' in RvR, a second account used solely to increase a character's stats without actually being in harm's way.
  • Player Vs Player - A single server has been setup to include an alternate ruleset where players can be attacked and killed within the normal PvE regions of the game. Certain areas, such as capital cities of each realm, and certain times, such as immediately after portal to a new zone (to discourage portal/spawn camping), grant immunity to players from being attacked by other players. This alternate ruleset also alters the focus from "Realm vs Realm" to "Guild vs Guild" warfare in Normal PvP zones. Realm affiliations have been removed, and it is possible to kill players of your own realm and race.
  • Co-operative - A single server similar to the Normal servers, except there are no PvP-based zones. Instead, the three realms cooperate in their attack on NPC-controlled keeps (located within the normal PvP zones) and other PvE areas. A high percentage of the PvE action takes place in Darkness Falls. High level enemies defend the locations where PvP gameplay would normally take place. All classes and races are opened up to the player and teleportation between realms is available.
  • Test - There are also two test servers available, allowing players to test different abilities that may become possible in upcoming changes in game mechanics prior to Mythic fully implementing them.

[edit] Server Clusters

In February 2005, Mythic Entertainment implemented "server clustering" combining three to six servers into a "cluster"- where certain locations (Capital cities and PvP areas) from multiple servers were the same location, and PvE areas of each server continued to be located on the individual server. This allowed for more PvP opportunity (especially on servers with low populations) and offered PvE players three to six times the area to hunt as well as the opportunity to group and join guilds with players from other servers. In March 2007, EA Mythic merged the PvE areas on the existing clusters, leaving only the housing zones separated by server.

The current Northern American clusters are as follows:

Bossiney cluster (Classic)
  • Ector
  • Lamorak
  • Gareth
Devon cluster
  • Akatsuki
  • Bedevere
  • Galahad
  • Igraine
  • Morgan Le Fay
  • Tristan
  • Iseult
  • Kay
  • Lancelot
  • Pellinor
Killibury cluster
  • Bors
  • Gawaine
  • Merlin
  • Palomides
  • Guinevere
  • Percival
  • Nimue
Test cluster
  • Pendragon (Test server)
  • Hector (Secondary Test server)
  • Uther (Internal Test Server only accessible to EA/Mythic employees)
Non-clustered servers
  • Mordred (Player vs Player)
  • Gaheris (Cooperative)
Former servers
  • Andred (Player vs Player), merged with Mordred
  • Gorlas (Player vs Player Test server), retained for internal use

European Servers currently ran by GoA

Limors Cluster (German)
  • Avalon
  • Lyonesse
Dyvet Cluster (English)
  • Prydwen
  • Excalibur
Temair Cluster (German)
  • Logres
  • Stonehenge
  • Dartmoor
Kernyw Cluster (French)
  • Orcanie
  • Carnac
Kattraeth Cluster (French)
  • Ys
  • Brocéliande
Canterbury Cluster (English Classic ruleset)
  • Glastonbury
  • Salisbury

[edit] Player Vs. Player, Play Styles

There are Three Main Play Styles in DAOC:[original research?]

8-man vs. Zerg
8-man vs. Zerg
  • Group - Within the game, groups of players can agree to function as a team. The internal limit to the number of players within a single group is eight. Optimization of class composition and specification of the class and competition between single teams of eight players form the impetus for the 8v8 play style. Because of the competitive nature underlying this play style, 8-man teams will often operate in RvR zones with rules of engagement that include allowing a fight in progress to be completed without "adding" onto the fight. ("Adding" means becoming involved in a fight that is underway.) The goal of this play style is to enjoy the competition given the limit of having only 8 people on each team for comparison between each of the other guilds acting in the same manner. It requires tactical thinking and committed teamplay. Guild Groups will usually communicate via Ventrilo, a VoIP(voice over IP) type of software. This voice chat helps the group work together better when in combat.
  • Large Group (aka Zerg) - The term Zerg refers to a race in the StarCraft universe that generally defeat their enemies through the advantage of numbers but not necessarily the strength of any one member. Players who engage in this style of play often join together in an in-game text chat known as a "Battle Group" and are generally concerned with Realm vs Realm warfare as a whole: taking keeps and towers (also known as 'siege play'), capturing relics, and fighting the other realms' zerg(s).
  • Solo - This play style encourages the solo player to find his match against other solo players throughout the PvP areas of the game. Many players interested in this style choose their abilities and specializations to be tailored towards survival and success in short assaults on small numbers of enemies. One example is class selection as a stealther; classes within each realm who are capable of becoming invisible at a distance. They are the most common classes to this playstyle as they have the greatest chance of avoiding disadvantageous situations, but are not the only classes that choose this style of play. This style is very much concerned with timing and opportunity.

While playing a stealther class, very often the enemies you will encounter will be other stealthers, as they tend to hunt in the same areas. This is referred to as the "stealther war" and is considered by many as another subset of the game.

[edit] Realm vs. Realm

Realm versus realm is the main focus of Dark Age of Camelot. The storyline revolves around what happens after the death of King Arthur, and his united kingdom falling apart (in this fantasy setting). Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard are in a three way war against each other and constantly war for control of powerful relics, keeps and towers, and even control of the entrance to Darkness Falls.

New Frontiers Specifications and Information will help one understand how RvR works and is designed for all character levels to compete in for their Realm.

[edit] Expansions

Mythic has produced seven expansions (5 retail, 2 free) for DAoC.

Note: A recent patch is mentioned in this list due to its impact on one of the expansions.

[edit] Shrouded Isles

(SI, November 12, 2002) - Added 6 new classes (Necromancer, Reaver; Savage, Bonedancer; Valewalker, Animist), 3 races (Inconnu, Valkyn, Sylvan) and a brand new land for each realm near the size of the old world (in addition to the old world), which also includes epic dungeons. This expansion pack is now a free download.

[edit] Foundations

(Housing, June 18, 2003) - Free expansion which added player housing and Consignment Merchants (the ability for players to set up a shop and sell ingame items, whether crafted or loot from monsters).

[edit] Trials of Atlantis

(ToA, October 28, 2003) - Added 3 new races (Half-Ogre, Frostalf, Shar) and high level content and zones (which are the same for each realm), also includes new terrain graphics for all areas of the game (including trees). This expansion pack is now a free download, as of October 31, 2005. The Trials of Atlantis expansion remains very controversial. Many players rejected it because of the high difficulty, organization, and time required in Atlantis's epic raids. The expansion featured extremely powerful items known as artifacts, and extra abilities known as "Master Levels". Artifacts, obtained by hidden encounters only become useful when the player finds the three scrolls hoarded by Atlantean monsters. Furthermore, artifacts must gain experience in order to reach their full potential. Once this has occurred, artifacts become some of the most mighty items in the entire game. The content added became the first time that anything aside from PvP/RvR participation in DAoC had a direct impact on the abilities characters possessed in PvP/RvR. PvE participation became mandatory if a player wished his or her character to have their full potential in PvP/RvR. This created an even greater gap between players who could dedicate the large amount of time needed to gain these often decisive abilities (with some raids lasting in excess of 12 hours), and more casual gamers who could not. In a large part, this controversy would lead to the formation of the now popular 'classic' servers which do not allow most ToA content, though in more recent versions of the game even traditional servers have had many changes made to Atlantean areas in order to make encounters easier, as well as making the artifacts and scrolls easier to come by.

As of the last patch on November 29, 2007, the TOA client is no longer supported and will need to download the Catacombs client to play.

[edit] New Frontiers

(NF, June 22, 2004) - Remake of the game's realm vs. realm warfare (free expansion, required expansion). This included making the entire frontiers one zone (instead of each realm's frontier being separated), redesigning keeps and adding towers, and adding numerous types of siege aparatus.

[edit] Catacombs

(Cata, December 7, 2004) - Added 5 new classes (Heretic; Vampiir, Bainshee; Warlock, Valkyrie), instanced dungeons (where players entering certain areas get their own private dungeon to hunt in), and new zones and quests with an emphasis on faster and easier leveling. Also includes new player model graphics and new graphics for all the games' dungeons (except Darkness Falls). As of February 6, 2007, players may now download and venture into the depths of the Catacombs for free. This expansion can be downloaded via the website for no extra charge.

[edit] Darkness Rising

(DR, October 11, 2005) ( February 1, 2006 in Europe) - Introduced Champion weapons (much like epic armor), player mounts (horses), Champion Levels and subclassing (small abilities from another class), new dungeons and instanced zones for the new Champion Quests and new graphics for the game world's models (such as barns, haystacks and forts, this includes the Darkness Falls dungeon and the capital cities) which are following the design ideas presented in Mythic's new graphics for the starting cities. Darkness Rising was also the first paid expansion to Dark Age of Camelot able to be downloaded. A trailer has been created by GOA to showcase this expansion. Mythic also introduced a new island, called Agramon, which acts as a central island that connected the frontiers of the three realms. Unlike the rest of the Frontiers zones, there are no keeps and any player from any realm can open the gates that border the island.

[edit] Labyrinth of the Minotaur

(LotM, November 5, 2006) - Features include a new race (The Minotaur), a new hybrid class (The Mauler), a new RvR dungeon, and additional Champion Levels (6-10). Until this expansion, Mythic had never given each of the three realms the same race or class. [1]

[edit] New New Frontiers

(NNF, September 5, 2007) - While officially a patch and not an expansion, there were significant changes to the layout of keeps and towers as well as a revamp of the Siegecraft line (including the addition Siege Towers and Tents) in patch 1.90. The playerbase is referring to this patch as the "New, New Frontiers."

The new Hibernian Dragon from the Dragon's Revenge Campaign
The new Hibernian Dragon from the Dragon's Revenge Campaign

[edit] Campaigns

Campaigns are like free expansions; however they build on the world that is already available in Dark Age of Camelot. They are six month long story arcs of dynamic content. During the six month period, new content is added in two-week intervals to help further the storyline. Because these changes are dynamic, some story lines will come to a close as others open. Periodic flash-point events within the story will have great effect on the world, and as chapters conclude, the stories and parts of the world they affect may change dramatically. In some parts of the story, player participation will ultimately be the catalyst for these story and world changes.[2]

[edit] Storyline

Each realm has a unique but parallel storyline, which is expanded with retail expansions. The European distributors occasionally add their own writings and quests about the realms and their inhabitants.

In the original Realm zones, smaller cities in the realm need protection against monsters common to many other RPGs. In particular, Albion is menaced by undead raised by Morgana and Hibernia is torn apart by the Unseelie court and Siabra.

Shrouded Isles - Each realm is called to assist a smaller allied realm against a large enemy. In Albion, the Drakoran have besieged the final strongholds of Lady Lile's Avalonians. Hibernia has come to the aid of Hybrasil, where the Sylvans face extinction at the hands of the Fomorians. Midgards ancestral home at Aegir has seen the Last of the Troll Fathers hunted down by the Morvalt. This expansion is now free.

Trials of Atlantis - The ruins of Atlantis have been discovered, as well as a portal to another Plane where the ancient Atlanteans underwent their trials. How did Atlantis come to its end and what powers were left behind? The Trials remain in a form twisted by the passage of time and the departure of the denizens of Atlantis. Ancient artifacts wait to be discovered and have their power and secrets revealed by learned scholars. Familiar figures from Greek and Egyptian mythology make their appearance in a new land waiting to be discovered. This is also the time that the Evil Valmontian appeared to deceive all of Albion. This expansion is now free.

Catacombs - A nemesis has taken control of the power within the Darkspire, gaining control of most of the denizens of an underground realm's race. Arawn, previously referenced as an ally of the Avalonians and patron of the Inconnu, has had his realm overrun by revolting dead and enslaved Inconnu. The Shar are only able to hold their ground at the gates of their Otherworld citadel. The Kobolds have been forced to open the secrets of the undercity to outsiders in a desperate bid for survival. This expansion is now free.

Darkness Rising - The King of the realm has returned to fight back a growing rebellion. Further investigations will reveal a conspiracy with a dark power behind the rebellion. To become a Champion of the Realm the player must defeat the demonic evil behind the unrest and return peace to the land.

Labyrinth of the Minotaur - The ancient race of Minotaur has returned to the lands of Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia to reclaim powerful but corrupt relics hidden long ago by their ancestors. Lust for these relics once brought about the downfall of the powerful Minotaur kingdom and their evil influence now threatens the kingdoms of Man.

[edit] Economics

Dark Age of Camelot promotes economic activity by means of a player market, for the sale and acquisition of items such as weapons and armor, and a system of Tradeskills which enable a character to create player-usable items, such as weapons and armor.

The basics - Currency in the game is termed coin and includes several denominations, valued as follows: 100 copper = 1 silver, 100 silver = 1 gold, 1000 gold = 1 platinum, 1000 platinum = 1 mythril. (Although mythril is a denomination of currency, you cannot have a mythril on any one character; the amount of coin will not go beyond 200 platinum.) Players may accumulate coin by engaging in RvR combat, PvE hunting, crafting by means of Tradeskills, trinketing, and the sale of items on the in-game player market. Players defeated in RvR and monsters slain in PvE all drop some quantity of coin which either falls automatically into the winning character's backpack, or can be picked up manually.

Tradeskills - Each character created by a player is able to choose, study and advance in any of the six Tradeskills, which enable the character to create player-usable items which can in turn be sold to other players on the player market for coin. Tradeskills include: Armorcraft (heavy armor), Tailoring (light armor), Weaponcraft (swords, shields), Fletching (staves, bows, arrows), Alchemy (poisons, dyes), and Spellcrafting. Alchemy also enables a character to 'imbue' armor and weapons with special magical abilities, such as a damage spell which is triggered when an enemy strikes a character's armor, or a spell which heals a character whenever the character chooses to trigger the spell. Spellcrafting enables a character to imbue armor and weapons with a wide range of magic which serves to improve a character's statistics, skills, and resistances to damage.

Characters are no longer restricted in their Tradeskill choice. Any character can choose any Tradeskill, and can raise the level of every Tradeskill they possess without restriction.

Support skills - All of the six Tradeskills are dependent upon a variety of support skills, such as metalworking, clothworking, leatherworking, and woodworking. An Armorcrafter's score in metalworking will automatically improve as the character creates metal-based items which advance its score in Armorcraft. However, support skills such as metalworking will not necessarily advance at the same rate as the primary Tradeskill, so characters may from time to time have to devote themselves to improving their score in one or more support skills.

Trinketing - Monsters defeated in PvE frequently drop player-usable items such as armor and weapons. Characters with sufficiently high support skills (such as metalworking, etc) can salvage these items for their raw materials, and then craft new items to be sold to NPC merchants, usually for significantly more coin than might be obtained by selling the original dropped item to an NPC merchant. This can be a significant source of income for characters with high Tradeskill scores.

Woodworking - A character's skill in Woodworking can also be used in the RvR zone known as New Frontiers to repair towers and keeps damaged by members of enemy realms. Making such repairs earns a character Realm Points with which to purchase new or improved Realm Abilities. However, in order to make such repairs a character must obtain wood, either from NPC merchants, Master Level 1 Convoker spell "Summon Wood", or by salvaging drops.

Player market - The player markets are located in the Housing zones unique to each realm, where no combat of any kind is permitted. Any character may enter the Housing zone for its own realm and make purchases from the player market by means of an NPC known as the Market Explorer. However, in order to sell items on the player market a character must have access to a player-owned house which is equipped with an NPC merchant known as a Consignment Merchant.

Housing - Any character with sufficient coin may purchase a house, but only one house may be purchased per player account. Any character on a player's account may make use of a house owned by a character on that player's account. Players are also able to set permissions for their house to allow the characters of other players to use the house and its various assets, such as a Consignment Merchant, a Grandmaster Merchant, tools such as a forge or lathe, or a Vaultkeeper, among others.

[edit] Detailed Guild Information

One of the most appealing systems released with Dark Age of Camelot is the ability to form player-ran guilds. Each guild comes with its own chat channel, in-game ranking system, territory claiming ability, guild banking system, guild housing, and reward system in the form of guild bounty points and merit points. Each guild leader (or leaders, as the game provides for multiple leaders) can define their own set of rules and goals. Furthermore, alliances can be formed between player guilds, which offer up a conjoined chat channel for all guilds within one alliance to communicate.

Forming a Player-Run Guild
Any player can form a guild. To do so he or she must have a full group of non-guilded players with the guild leader in the top position of the group. The group must then visit Guild Registrar NPC, found in the major cities of each of the three realms. The guild leader must have on their person the amount of one (1) gold piece, then select the NPC and type /gc form <Guild Name>. Each guild name must be unique to the server. Each members of the group receives a small dialogue box asking if they accept membership in the new guild and once they all accept, the guild is formed.

[edit] Subscriber Base

When DAOC first launched, the subscriber base quickly rose up to almost 250,000 subscribers by July, 2002 and held steady even through the "SI expansion". Afterwards, the release of the infamous "Trials of Atlantis expansion" and market competition caused these numbers to gradually decrease over time. As of January 2008, the estimated number of subscribers was 50,000.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20020213/firor_pfv.htm Gamasutra, Matt Firor
  2. ^ http://www.camelotherald.com/section.php?id=4 Dark Age of Camelot - Campaigns
  3. ^ http://www.mmogchart.com/Chart2.html MMOCHART.com, Bruce Sterling Woodcock

[edit] External links

Official sites
Fan and Community sites