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For the past thirty years (or so... ;-) I have trained in Korean Tae Kwon Do, Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate, Chinese Hung Gar and Wing Chung Gung Fu, Japanese Aikido, Mugai Ryu Iaido, Daito Ryu aikijujutsu and Hakuhô Ryu aikibudo. I hold black belts in Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Daito Ryu, and Hakuhô Ryu.
My Tae Kwon Do teachers included Master S.K. Shim, B.C. Yu, and my direct instructor was Dr. Eugene Humesky, [1] grandmaster, and one of the highest ranked non-orientals in the world in a Korean art (I haven't talked with him in a couple-o-years, but I still consider him a friend and mentor).
I hold a Renshi Teaching license in Aikido (awarded in 1991) from the late Daishihan W. E. Todd [2], whom I trained with for over fifteen years.
I have been training under Okabayashi Shogen Shihan in Daito Ryu (and now Hakuhô Ryu) since 1995. and am the midwest representative for the Hakuhô Ryu in the U.S. I currently have a dojo in Southeast Michigan [3].