Danish Red cattle

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Danish Red Cattle
Danish Red Cattle

Danish Red cattle, also known as Red Danish or Red Dane, are a major dairy cattle breed in northern Europe. [1] [2] The breed was developed in Denmark based on local breeds bred with Angeln cattle [3] from Angeln, Schleswig. Danish Red cattle (and, earlier, Angeln cattle) have been imported to many other countries and have been used to improve and form many local breeds [4], such as Estonian Red [5], Latvian Red, Polish Red, Belarus Red [6] [7], Tambov Red (Russian Red), Bulgarian Red, etc.

The solid red color of these breeds has helped in making them popular for crossbreeding in tropical countries [8] with red Zebu dairy breeds like Sahiwal, Red Sindhi and Butana. They are good milk cows, yielding milk with higher butter fat and protein content than does the Holstein-Friesian.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Oklahoma State University breeds of livestock
  2. ^ Embryo Plus cattle breeds - Danish Red
  3. ^ Oklahoma State University breeds of livestock- Angeln Cattle
  4. ^ EAAP Similar central European breeds
  5. ^ Embryo Plus cattle breeds - Estonian Red
  6. ^ Embryo Plus cattle breeds - Belarus Red
  7. ^ Oklahoma State University breeds of livestock- Belarus Red Cattle
  8. ^ Food and agriculture organisation World Animal Review