Danilo Talanskas

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Danilo Talanskas (1950- ) is the managing director of Otis Elevator Company.

Talanskas got an undergraduate degree at the McKenzie School in São Paulo. He then received an MBA from the Marriot School of Management at Brigham Young University.

Prior to taking his position with Otis, Talanskas worked for General Electric and Black and Decker. He also served as Brazilian chairman for Rockwell Automotive.[1]

Talanskas is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served as president of the São Paulo Brazil Santo Amaro stake. He also served from 1992-1995 at a Regional Representative of the Twelve. He had previously served as a mission president from 1981-1984 in Rio de Jainero, Brazil.[2]

In 2007 Talanskas was made a member of the Board of Local managers to advise the University of Pittsburgh on developing a program that would serve the needs of Brazilian MBA stuents.[3]

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