Daniel Machover

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Daniel Machover is a British Israeli-born attorney. He is the head of civil litigation for Hickman & Rose Solicitors and was the co-founder of Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights in 1988. His father, Professor Moshé Machover, was one of the founders of Matzpen.

According to an interview in The Independent, "Close observations of his parents' treatment at the hands of the Israeli authorities - including the strip-searching of his mother - heightened Machover's awareness of the potential for those in uniform to abuse their powers". [1].

Machover's work with prisoners alleging brutality at Wormwood Scrubs Prison in London led to an official Prison Service report, which found that "more than 160 prison officers were involved in inflicting and covering up a regime of torture which saw savage beatings, death threats and sexual assault inflicted on inmates". [2]

He gained international attention when as attorney for the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, filed for the arrest of Israeli General Doron Almog in London. Machover stated that his firm is gathering evidence all the time and would not hesitate to file charges against other Israeli officers: "Doron Almog is only one of these individuals. [...] This is an issue about justice and about the proper application of criminal law."[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Making a case for the underdog, The Independent 2 November 1999
  2. ^ Prison whistleblower lifts lid on 'regime of torture', Vikram Dodd, The Guardian, 13 November 2006
  3. ^ israelinsider: diplomacy: Israeli general stayed on El Al jet in UK to avoid war crimes charges