Dancing Rabbit

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Dancing Rabbit is an ecovillage near Rutledge, Missouri, USA.

Dancing Rabbit, founded in 1997, is a rapidly growing intentional community in the pioneering stage. It aspires to grow to be a small, locally self-reliant town of 500 to 1000 residents, committed to radical environmental sustainability. All members of Dancing Rabbit agree to abide by ecological covenants [1] and sustainability guidelines [2].

The members of Dancing Rabbit are housed in a variety of living arrangements, eat a variety of foods, and work on varied projects. Their society is flexible enough to include egalitarian communities, cohousing, and individual households. Dancing Rabbit aims to create a culture that is not only sustainable environmentally, but also socially. The young community's culture is marked by feminism, respect for the arts, consensus decision-making, and nonviolence. Although the people of Dancing Rabbit may have different approaches to some issues, the common desire for environmental sustainability underlies all decisions at Dancing Rabbit.

While Dancing Rabbit strives for self-sufficiency and economic independence, they do not socially or intellectually sequester themselves from mainstream America. Rather, outreach and education are integral to their goals. The community vigorously promotes itself as a viable example of sustainable living and is eager to spread its ideas and discoveries through visitor programs, internships, academic and other publications, and speaking engagements.

In 2005, Dancing Rabbit was featured in the FX television series 30 Days, where members taught their way of life to two mainstream non-residents for one month. The two lived in a converted grain bin and helped with various projects such as gardening, natural building and cooking.

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