Dan Patch

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Dan Patch
Dan Patch

Dan Patch (April 29, 1896-July 11, 1916). was a brown standardbred horse sired by Joe Patchen (dam Zelica) and was the outstanding pacer of his day. Foaled in 1896, Dan Patch broke world speed records at least 14 times in the early 1900s, finally setting the world's record for the fastest mile by a harness horse (1:55 seconds) during a time trial in 1906, a record that stood unmatched for 32 years.


[edit] Life

Dan Patch's home in Oxford.
Dan Patch's home in Oxford.

Dan Patch was foaled on 29 April 1896, in a barn in the town of Oxford, Indiana. He was named for his owner, Dan Messner, and his sire, Joe Patchen. The young horse showed little promise in his first year, but a local trainer named Johnny Wattles saw potential in the animal. Wattles received permission from Messner to train Dan Patch and developed the horse's racing abilities until 1900, when Messner sold the horse to Manley E. Sturgis of New York. Sturgis in turn sold Dan Patch in 1902 to a resident of the city of Hamilton (later Savage) in Minnesota named Marion Willis Savage. Dan Patch lived in Minnesota from 1902 until his death on 11 July 1916.

[edit] Celebrity

Dan Patch lost only two heats in his whole career, and never lost a race. His speed was such that other owners sometimes refused to race their horses against him, leaving him to run against the clock.

Dan Patch's official record of 1:55ΒΌ for the pacing mile was set in 1905 in Lexington, Kentucky. His 1:55 unofficial record for the pacing mile was set in 1906 at the Minnesota State Fair, but not officially recognized because of the use of a prompter with a windshield. This record was tied 32 years later in 1938 when Billy Direct became the official 1:55 world record holder. Marion Savage was so indignant about Dan Patch's 1:55 mark not being recognized (the rules having recently been changed) that he renamed the International Stock Food Farm in Savage to the International 1:55 Stock Food Farm. The 1:55 mark was equaled in following years, but was not broken until 1960, 54 years after Dan Patch's run, when Adios Butler paced the first sub-1:55 mile in 1:54:3. Dan Patch's fastest race mile was 1:58.

Dan Patch's achievements made him a sports celebrity, with extensive product endorsements including toys, cigars, washing machines and automobiles. During his racing years from 1900 through 1909, he was front-page newspaper copy. At the height of his fame, he earned for his owner more than $1 million a year.

Crowds of 100,000 turned out for a glimpse of the horse, which possessed an unusually gentle temperament yet radiated charisma. Dwight Eisenhower lined up with his parents at the 1904 Kansas State Fair to see him, and Harry Truman recalled that as a boy he had written a fan letter.

Dan Patch retired undefeated in 1909 as the holder of nine world records and spent much of his later life attending exhibitions.

Owner Marion Savage and Dan Patch died within several days of each other, in 1916.

The tombstone of Dan Patch.
The tombstone of Dan Patch.

[edit] Memorials

The City of Savage, Minnesota was renamed for Dan Patch's owner, Marion Willis Savage, in 1904. Dan Patch Avenue in Falcon Heights, Minnesota (on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds) is named for the horse. Other streets in Minnesota are also named after Dan Patch, such as in Savage, Minnesota.

A century later, the land in Savage once occupied by the "Taj Mahal" stables and racetracks now stands vacant, though the outline of a track is visible from the air [1]. The land is posted "no trespassing" and no historical marker documents that anything of significance ever stood there.

Dan Patch's home town of Oxford continues to honor the horse at its annual Dan Patch Days festival, held in September. Savage, Minnesota also holds a Dan Patch Days to celebrate Dan Patch in June.

[edit] Other references

The brass era automobile maker Dan Patch was founded in Minneapolis in 1911.[1]

In addition, Dan Patch was the subject of the 1949 motion picture The Great Dan Patch starring Dennis O'Keefe and Gail Russell

The proposed Dan Patch Corridor commuter rail line in southern Minnesota runs along the tracks of the former Dan Patch line, created in 1908 by Marion Willis Savage.

The song Ya Got Trouble, from the Broadway musical and film The Music Man, makes a reference to the horse in expounding the "degradation" of jockeys sitting on the horse during a race, when Harold Hill (Robert Preston) states:

Like to see some stuck-up jockey boy sittin' on Dan Patch?
Make your blood boil?
Well, I should say!

[edit] See also

[edit] References