Talk:Dambudzo Marechera
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Dambudzo Marechera defies myopic literary follow his thought tracks is somewhat a walk between that fine divide that separates reality and get an insight into his world one not only has to read a section of his work but his unfortunatley small amount of surviving the many discussions i've had over the years at least with Zimbabweans there is a strong feeling that he surely is in a class of his own.the sad truth is his work has been driven into obscurity in his own counrty by the gibberish of political correctness.for me what is mindboggling is his use of language to say things in a manner that leaves the reader aghast nomatter how many times you read his work.his poetry compilation Cemetry of Mind comes to quote from his poem Throne Of Bayonets,'were regrets basket chairs we would be condemned to sit for life,to sit still passionatley;the Siamese cats nuzzle against my ankle,purring'.to me he is an avent garde writer and i have yet to see any writer with so much original thought and style in thier work. His use of original idioms has to be one of the best.
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