To whom it may concern:
The article is very good. I do not believe Willard would be considered a Calvinist, however.
There is an article online at Christianity Today, from September of 2006.
The article states that Willard received his Armenian leanings from his Methodist grandmother. Further, after serving a short time as a pastor, Willard began reading John Wesley and Charles Finney and attempted to emulate them.
I recommend this article for additional background information about Dallas Willard.
Paul Grace
In Dallas' own word on his website:
"if you were to get to the bottom of my theology you would find me pretty Calvinistic"
I would say that it would not be inaccurate to call him fairly Calvinistic per the above quote but obviously there is a lot of breadth in Calvinism from neo's to hyper's to five, four, three . . . pointers.