Dalian Development Zone

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Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone (DDZ) (simplified Chinese: 大连经济技术开发区) is one of the first national economic and technological development zones in China. It has a developed area of 50 square kilometers and a population of 300,000.  

[edit] Geographical Location and Climate

  Situated on the Dagushan Peninsula in the northeast of Dalian City, Liaoning Province, the DDZ is 27 kilometers from the city center, 25 kilometers from Dalian train station, 18

modern design bus stop

kilometers from Zhoushuizi international airport, 8 kilometers from the Shenyang-Dalian

Expressway, 7 nm from Dalian Harbor, 2 kilometers from Dayaowan Harbor, and 1 nm from the Coal Port on the Monk Island. It is in the central area of the Bohai Sea Economic Rim, close to the Old City, and next to northeast China‘s hinterland, which takes up 13 percent of the country‘s total area and 12.6 percent of its total population. It faces the sea on three sides and towards the most economically developed countries in Asia like Japan and Korea.

  The DDZ has a coastline as long as 44 kilometers and is in a temperate continental monsoon climate. Featuring a yearly average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius and rainfall of 599.7 mm, the zone enjoys comfortably mild and humid weather, clear days in the most of spring and autumn and ample sunshine. Summer is never too hot nor winter, too cold.

[edit] Communication and Transportation

  Dalian is surrounded by six good harbors with wide and deep water without silt deposit and free from freezing all year round. Dalian Harbor features 69 berths, including 39 with a tonnage of over 10 thousand. It handles crude and finished oil, minerals, coal, timber, grain, iron and steel, combined loading of passengers and goods and relay loading of sets of complete plant and groceries. It has an annual handling capacity of 70 million tones for cargo and 5.4 million passenger times and enjoys trade relations with more than 150 countries and regions.

[edit] Urban Planning and Design

Entrance of Five Color City
Entrance of Five Color City
Five Color City Square
Five Color City Square

  DDZ is known in Dalian for innovative urban planning and design. In contrast to many other parts of Dalian, DDZ has a unique modern architectural style seen in the design of Yinfan Square, new Five Color City, the Beach, and many other famous tourism sites. There is a sense of congruency in the city's design. The theme colors of white and blue recurrs throughout the entire area, which resonates with the color of the sky and the sea surrounding DDZ. Most of the urban design and public construction was completed in the period of 2001-2005. This boom in public construction is closely linked with the city's increased investment and economic activity brought on by foreign companies. More importantly, the administration lead by Zhou Haifei(simplified Chinese: 周海斐) at that time was pro-growth and less conservative than previous and succeeding administrations.

  After 2005, the city has shifted towards construction of commercial office buildings, many of which are located along the main street Jinma Road.
