Dale T. Irvin

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Dale T. Irvin is the eleventh President of New York Theological Seminary and Professor of World Christianity. He was elected to this position by the Seminary’s Board of Trustees on July 19, 2006 after serving as Acting President since January 1, 2006, and his permanent appointment became effective on August 1. Previously, he served as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean of the Seminary and is a long-time member of the Seminary’s Faculty. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (M. Div., 1981) and Union Theological Seminary in New York (Ph.D., 1989), he has been a member of the New York Theological Seminary faculty since 1989. He is the co-author with Scott W. Sunquist of History of the World Christian Movement, a two-volume project that is being written with a consulting team of more than 50 scholars from around the world and published by Orbis Books of Maryknoll, NY. Volume 1, Earliest Christianity to 1453, is now in its fifth printing. Dr. Irvin’s previous books include Christian Histories, Christian Traditioning: Rendering Accounts (Orbis Books, 1998), and The Agitated Mind of God: The Theology of Kosuke Koyama (Orbis Books, 1996), which he edited with Akintunde E. Akinade. His articles have appeared in a number of journals, among them Christianity Today, The Ecumenical Review and The Journal of Pentecostal Studies.

Dr. Irvin has held visiting or adjunct appointments at the University of Uppsala, Sweden; Drew University Theological School; Union Theological Seminary, New York; Wake Forest University Divinity School; New Brunswick Theological Seminary; and Regent University School of Divinity. He is currently the Executive Vice President and member of the Editorial Board of The Living Pulpit, a highly acclaimed journal for preaching. He is also a regular teacher and preacher in churches throughout the New York City region. An ordained minister in the American Baptist Churches USA, he is a member of The Riverside Church in New York City.


[edit] Writing

[edit] Books

  • A History of the World Christian Movement: Volume I, Earliest Christianity to 1453, co-written with Scott W. Sunquist, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books / Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2001; Bangalore, India: Theological Publications India, 2004. Translation in Portuguese (2004) and Indonesian (2005). Volume was named to the “Outstanding Academic Title” list of Choice magazine in 2002; selected by the Catholic Book Association as the outstanding book in theology and history for 2001; and listed by the International Bulletin of Missionary Research as one of the fifteen outstanding books in mission studies for 2001.
  • A History of the World Christian Movement: Volume II, 1453 to 2000, co-written with Scott W. Sunquist, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, forthcoming 2008.
  • Christian Histories, Christian Traditioning: Rendering Accounts, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1998.
  • The Agitated Mind of God: The Theology of Kosuke Koyama, co-edited with Akintunde E. Akinade, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1996. Book was named by the Overseas Ministries Study Center as one of the fifteen best books in missiology published in 1996.
  • Hearing Many Voices: Dialogue and Diversity in the Ecumenical Movement, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994.

[edit] Chapters in books

  • “Power in Mission,” cowritten with Kevin Mannoia, in Faith and Order: Toward a North American Conference (Study Guide), Norman A. Hjelm, ed., Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.
  • “The Terror of History and the Memory of Redemption: Engaging the Ambiguities of the Christian Past,” Surviving Terror: Hope and Justice in a World of Violence, Victoria L. Erickson and Michelle Lim Jones, eds., Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2002.
  • “Charles Price Jones and the Sufficiency of Jesus,” Portraits of the First Generation: Essays on the Centennial Celebration of the Pentecostal Movement, edited by James R. Goff., Jr.and Grant Wacker, Little Rock: University of Arkansas Press, 2002.
  • “New Directions in Faith and Order for the Twenty-first Century: Building a New Common Table,” Concord Makes Strength: Essays in Reformed Ecumenism, John W. Coakley, ed., Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2002.
  • “A New Understanding of World Christianity for the 21st Century” and “Christianity in the Modern World: Facing Postmodern Culture and Religious Pluralism,” The Future of Religions in the 21st Century, Peter T. M. Ng, ed., Hong Kong: Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.
  • “Strangers and the Homecoming: Church and Community in the Grammar of Faith,” in The Courage to Hope: From Black Suffering to Human Redemption, Quinton Hosford Dixie and Cornel West, eds., Boston: Beacon Press, 1999.
  • “Mission as Dialogue: The Contribution of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy,” in Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy: Studies in His Life and Thought, M. Darrol Bryant and Hans R. Huessy, eds., Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mullen Press, 1986.

[edit] Articles, encyclopedia entries, and book reviews

  • “Ecumenical Dislodgings,” Mission Studies 22:2 (2005).
  • “Pentecostal Historiography,” Pneuma: Journal of the Society for Pentecostal 27:1 (2005).
  • “Christ and Spirit: Dogma, Discernment, and Dialogical Theology in a Religiously Plural World,” Amos Yong, Dale T. Irvin, Frank D. Macchia and Ralph Del Colle, Journal of Pentecostal Theology 12:1 (October 2003).
  • “The Gift of Mission,” Christianity Today 43:14 (Dec. 6, 1999). One of five scholars invited to write in response to the question, “Where Would Civilization Be Without Christianity?” Article republished in The British Columbian Catholic 70:47 (Dec. 2000).
  • Guest Contributing Editor’s “Introduction,” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 52:1-2 (1998), James Melvin Washington memorial volume.
  • “ ‘Holiness Unto the Lord’: Toward a Holiness Christian Dialogue with Judaism,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 34:1 (Winter 1997): 13-38.
  • “Open-Ended Pedagogy in a Multicultural Classroom: The Case for Theological Education,” Religious Studies News 4:1 (Feb. 1996).
  • “Toward a Hermeneutics of Difference at the Crossroads of Ecumenics,” The Ecumenical Review, 47:3 (Oct. 1995).
  • “Contextualization and Catholicity: Looking Anew for the Unity of the Faith,” Studia Theologica 48:2 (1995).
  • “ ‘Drawing All Together in One Bond of Love’: The Ecumenical Vision of William J. Seymour and Azusa St.,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 6:1 (Spring 1995).
  • “From One Story to Many: An Ecumenical Reappraisal of Church History,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 28:4 (Fall, 1991).
  • “The Banquet of Ecumenical Theology,” The Ecumenical Review 43:1 (1991).
  • "John R. Mott and World-Centered Theology,” Missiology 12:2 (1984).
  • “Social Witness Policies: An Historical Overview,” Journal of Presbyterian History 57:4 (1979).
  • “History of World Christianity” forthcoming in Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, Daniel Patte, ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • “Fundamentalism,” forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Pentecostalism, Stanley Burgess, ed. New York: Berkshire/Routledge Publishers.
  • “History of Christianity,” in Christianity: The Complete Guide, John Bowden, ed., Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2005..
  • “Millennialism” in Encyclopedia of Religious Rituals, F. Salamone, ed. New York: Berkshire/Routledge, 2003.
  • “Holiness Movement,” “Camp Meeting,” and “Shakers,” in Encyclopedia of Millennial Movements, R. Landes, ed. New York: Berkshire/Routledge, 2000.
  • Review of Eric O. Jacobsen, Sidewalks in the Kingdom, in Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture forthcoming.
  • Review of Linda Woodhead, An Introduction to Christianity, forthcoming in International Bulletin of Missionary Research.
  • Review of William K. Kay and Anne E. Dyer, Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies: A Reader in Pneuma: Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 27:2 (2005).
  • Review of Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity in Journal of Pentecostal Theology 13:2 (2005).
  • Review of Dana L. Robert, Occupy until I Come: A. T. Pierson and the Evangelization of the World, in Church History 73:4 (Dec. 2004).
  • Review of Lamin Sanneh, Whose Religion Is Christianity? The Gospel beyond the West and Wilbert R. Shenk, ed., Enlarging the Story: Perspectives on Writing World Christian History in The Christian Century July 27, 2004.
  • Review of Amos Yong, Beyond the Impasse: Toward a Pneumatological Theology of Religions, Journal of Pentecostal Theology 12:2 (2004).
  • Review of Andrew F. Walls, The Cross-Cultural Process in Christian History in International Bulletin of Missionary Research 26:4 (Oct. 2002).
  • Review of Huston Smith, Why Religion Matters: The Fate of the Human Spirit in an Age of Disbelief in The Christian Century June 20-27, 2001.
  • Review of Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Spiritus Ubi Vult Spirat: Pneumatology in Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue (1972-1989), in Journal of Pentecostal Theology 6:1 (April 2000).
  • Review of Ian McFarland, Listening to the Least: Doing Theology from the Outside In, in International Journal of Systematic Theology 2:2 (July 2000).
  • Review of Edith L. Blumhofer, Russell P. Spittler, and Grant A. Wacker, eds., Pentecostal Currents in American Protestantism, in Pneuma: Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 22:1 (Spring 2000).
  • Review of Steve Brouwer, Paul Gifford, and Susan D. Rose, Exporting the American Gospel: Global Christian Fundamentalism, in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research 21:3 (Summer 1997).
  • Review of M. Richard Shaull, The Reformation and Liberation Theology, and Walter Altmann, Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective in Lutheran Partners, Nov. 1992.
  • Regular contributor to The Living Pulpit