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The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) in the Czech Republic is a subdivision system for the whole European Union devised by Eurostat.

At NUTS:1 level, the Czech Republic is not subdivided. At NUTS:3 level (the lowest) the subdivisions match up with the regions of the Czech Republic, however at NUTS:2 they have had to combine them.

Division Code Large Areas Code Regions Code
Czech Republic CZ0 Praha (Prague) CZ01 Prague CZ010
Střední Čechy (Central Bohemia) CZ02 Central Bohemian Region CZ020
Jihozápad (Southwest) CZ03 South Bohemian Region CZ031
Plzeň Region CZ032
Severozápad (Northwest) CZ04 Karlovy Vary Region CZ041
Ústí nad Labem Region CZ042
Severovýchod (Northeast) CZ05 Liberec Region CZ051
Hradec Králové Region CZ052
Pardubice Region CZ053
Jihovýchod (Southeast) CZ06 Vysočina Region CZ061
South Moravian Region CZ062
Střední Morava (Central Moravia) CZ07 Olomouc Region CZ071
Zlín Region CZ072
Moravskoslezsko (Moravian-Silesian) CZ08 Moravian-Silesian Region CZ080

NUTS 2 areas

NUTS 3 areas (identical with regions)

[edit] External links