Cyrillization of Japanese

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Cyrillization of Japanese is the practice of expressing Japanese sounds using Cyrillic characters. It is officially accepted in Russia.

Below is a cyrillization system for the Japanese language known as the Polivanov system.


[edit] Main table

Hepburn romanization to Polivanov cyrillization correspondence table, for single/modified kana.

あ - а い - и/й う - у え - э お - о
か - ка き - ки く - ку け - кэ こ - ко
が - га ぎ - ги ぐ - гу げ - гэ ご - го
さ - са し - си す - су せ - сэ そ - со
ざ - дза じ - дзи ず - дзу ぜ - дзэ ぞ - дзо
た - та ち - ти つ - цу て - тэ と - то
だ - да ぢ - дзи づ - дзу で - дэ ど - до
な - на に - ни ぬ - ну ね - нэ の - но
は - ха ひ - хи ふ - фу へ - хэ ほ - хо
ぱ - па ぴ - пи ぷ - пу ぺ - пэ ぽ - по
ば - ба び - би ぶ - бу べ - бэ ぼ - бо
ま - ма み - ми む - му め - мэ も - мо
や - я ゆ - ю よ - ё
ら - ра り - ри る - ру れ - рэ ろ - ро
わ - ва ゐ - и/й ゑ - э を - о
ん - н/м

[edit] Supplemental table

For contracted kana.

きゃ - кя きゅ - кю きょ - кё
ぎゃ - гя ぎゅ - гю ぎょ - гё
しゃ - ся しゅ - сю しょ - сё
じゃ - дзя じゅ - дзю じょ - дзё
ちゃ - тя ちゅ - тю ちょ - тё
ぢゃ - дзя ぢゅ - дзю ぢょ - дзё
にゃ - ня にゅ - ню にょ - нё
ひゃ - хя ひゅ - хю ひょ - хё
ぴゃ - пя ぴゅ - пю ぴょ - пё
びゃ - бя びゅ - бю びょ - бё
みゃ - мя みゅ - мю みょ - мё
りゃ - ря りゅ - рю りょ - рё

[edit] Double consonants

In the Polivanov's system consonants are doubled exactly as they do in romaji: e.g. -kk- > -кк-.

[edit] Vowel length

In the Polivanov's system vowel length is marked with either a colon after the vowel or with a macron over it: tennô > тэнно: or тэнно̄. However, in most non-linguistic texts the Japanese vowel length is not marked at all. えい is usually transcribed as эй but can be written as э:. おう is transcribed as о: but おお as оо.

[edit] Syllabic -n

Before p, b, m the syllabic -n is transcribed as м according to pronunciation; before vowels and y it is transcribed as нъ in order to indicate syllable boundary; in all other cases it is transcribed as н.

Japanese Romaji Cyrillic
しんぶん shinbun симбун
さんか sanka санка
かんい kan'i канъи
ほんや hon'ya хонъя

[edit] Common errors

Most often, Japanese names come to Russians not directly, but via English. In English texts, Japanese names are written with the Hepburn system. People then try to transcribe Japanese names as if they were English.

Very often people want to transcribe shi as ши and ji as джи. This is incorrect, because in Russian ши is pronounced as шы and джи as джы. The Russian sound /ы/ is in fact closer to Japanese /u/ than to Japanese /i/. It would probably be closer to Japanese to write щи, but Polivanov's system uses си and дзи. Actually, Russian щи is pronounced like Japanese sshi (e.g. zasshi - magazine).

Equally often people transcribe cha, chi, chu, cho as ча, чи, чу, чо. This is acceptable phonetically, but for reasons of consistency it is better to follow the rules and write тя, ти, тю, тё.

Sometimes э is replaced with е (but not at the beginning of a word). This is tolerable only for the words that are in general use (e.g. kamikaze > камикадзе instead of камикадзэ). But one should never replace ё (yo) with е (ye) — it will change the Japanese word too much.

[edit] Exceptions

Some Japanese names, for historical reasons, do not follow the above rules. These are:

English (Rōmaji) Cyrillic spelling Cyrillization Japanese
Japan (Nihon, Nippon) Япония Нихон, Ниппон 日本 (にほん, にっぽん)
Tokyo (Tōkyō) Токио То:кё: 東京 (とうきょう)
Kyoto (Kyōto) Киото Кё:то 京都 (きょうと)
Yokohama Иокогама (also Йокохама) Ёкохама 横浜 (よこはま)
Yokosuka Йокосука Ёкосука 横須賀 (よこすか)
Toyota Тойота Тоёта トヨタ (originally: 豊田)
jujitsu (jūjutsu) джиу-джитсу дзю:дзюцу 柔術 (じゅうじゅつ)

etc. Also, many of the personal names beginning with "Yo" are written using "Йо" instead of "Ё" (e.g. Йоко for Yoko).

[edit] See also

[edit] External links