Cypriot Gay Liberation Movement

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AKOK (Apeleftherotiko Kinima Omofilofilon Kiprou) is a gay liberation movement that was founded in 1987 by Alexandros Modinos, a Cypriot architect who started fighting for the human rights of the homosexuals in Cyprus, in 1979. In 1989 Modinos accused Cyprus for violating the European Convention of Human Rights - before the council of Europe with respect to the human rights of lesbian and gay people. The case was led to European Court of Human Rights which finally condemned Cyprus in 1993 Modinos Vs. Cyprus.

[edit] References

[1] Case of 'Modinos Vs. Cyprus'

[2] Article wrote by Alexandros Modinos for greek newspaper Eleftherotipia

[3] ILGA - Report on Equality for Lesbians and Gay Men - A Relevant Issue in the EU Accession Process

[4] Amnesty International call for decriminalizing homosexuality in Cyprus