Cygnite Content Manager

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[edit] Introduction

Cygnite Content Manager (or CCM ) is a content management system developed by Cygnite Ltd for Lotus Domino servers.

[edit] History

Development of version 1 started in June 1998.

[edit] Features

  • Navigation- Easily create vertical or horizontal menus, expanding menus, or DHTML-based hierarchical popup menus, to provide users with ways to navigate around your site.
  • Layout - Use Framesets and/or Panesets to design the overall structure of your web pages. Place headers, footers, menus, etc on the screen, and reserve the area of the screen which will change on a page-by-page basis.
  • Resources - Store images, documents, files, etc in a easy-to-use and secure file library area, and share them across the site as required. For more advanced users, segments of HTML and/or JavaScript can be stored as resources and reused across the site: the advantage of this being that a change to the HTML/JavaScript in one place will take effect across the site automatically.
  • Builders - Use wizard-like 'builders' to create JavaScript-based popup windows and drop-down menus.
  • Stylesheets
  • Forms - Use the "Formlet" designer to create simple forms for user interaction. All data submitted by users is stored securely within CCM.
  • Dynamic Views - Use Viewlets to create dynamic sets of page links. For example, a viewlet might be used on your home page to include links to the three or four most recent news stories from a News area of the site.
  • Page Templates - Use page templates to impose common structure on a set of pages.
  • Approval Cycle - Changes to site content are subject to an [email]-enabled workflow cycle, so that unauthorised changes cannot be made. All updates which pass through the workflow cycle are audit-trailed at each stage. When new versions of pages are published, version numbers are automatically incremented, and the previous versions are held in a secure [Archive] area of Cygnite Content Manager accessible only to authorised users.
  • Content Management - Update to site content can be made either using a Lotus Notes client or a browser (IE5+). This latter route does not allow the site design to be changed (navigation, layout, style, etc), only content. This browser-based content management (BCM) system permits an extranet site to be maintained by users from both inside and outside the organisation, without necessitating any additional investment in infrastructure. All security is handled by the standard Domino security system.
  • Pages - Pages can be of two basic types: fixed-layout pages which use page templates as previously described; and freeform pages which use a WYSIWYG environment to permit flexibility in page design and layout. Most sites consist of a mixture of the two types.
  • Content Manager Extensions - The CMX subsystem allows technically able users to take advantage of Domino design skills to integrate custom designs and business logic into Cygnite Content Manager, without requiring modification to the design of the Cygnite Content Manager system itself.
  • CCM Accelerator - The CCM Accelerator module resolves the dependencies used by pages asynchronously from the user requests, improving the performance of user requests by between 20% and 50%.

[edit] References

  • CCM help pages - 1-1.0, 1-2.0

[edit] External links

Cygnite website