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Woah, how did you end up here? You don't have to answer that question - no worries. Really, what can I say? This is my Wikipedia user page!


[edit] About Me

My real name is Bobin Lee. My nationality is South Korean (or Republic of Korea, if you like it that way better). My birthdate is July 1990 and was born in Bangkok, Thailand - a tropical SouthEast Asian peninsula country.

Both of my parents are Korean. I live in a low-income family. I'm quite independent, reserved, and fun-loving.

[edit] Education

Pre-primary: Thai public school, then a Filipino-international school
Primary: American-curriculum-based international school a.k.a. International Community School, Bangkok since August, 1997.
Secondary Low: Still in International Community School, Bangkok
Secondary High: Graduation on May 24, 2008 in International Community School, Bangkok

[edit] Future Education

Accepted into Middlebury College (a liberal arts school in Middlebury, Vermont) on February 1, 2008 - as international, Early Decision applicant

"Feb" - nickname for the February spring term students that comprise around 110 students of the new 600 students that get accepted every year; fill up the empty space created by those who go abroad during the winter/spring
Class of 2012.5 - it explains for itself


I love Wikipedia! It's so useful. I'll keep adding on to my userpage every so often.