Cyber High Schools

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[edit] What are Cyber High Schools

Cyber High Schools is the term many school districts and private curriculum companies use to describe going to high school online or on the internet. There are many other names for going to school online, including virtual high school,distance education, cyber charter school, internet high school, online charter high school or e-learning. Cyber High School means that a high school student has the option of receiving their public education at home, depending on their school districts current distance education policy.

[edit] Where are Cyber High Schools

According to CBS News [1], 38 states have some form of Cyber High School curriculum delivery, which often includes providing a computer, internet connection, textbooks and Cyber High School software. The way in which Cyber High School is administered varies greatly from state to state, and will continue to change rapidly as all states integrate some type of Cyber High School into their educational plans.

[edit] Enrolling and Teachers

Students in a district that provides Cyber High School may be able to enroll in the middle of the school year, because Cyber High Schools often have rolling enrollment [2]. Cyber High School teachers are sometimes able to work from home[3], depending upon the company providing the state's cyber curriculum. A number of companies are now supplying that curriculum, including Keystone National High School, Virtual Learning Academy, Aventa Learning, and Connections Academy.

[edit] Who Attends Cyber High School

Cyber High School appeals to all students but works especially well for those students with needs that can't be met in a traditional classroom, such as student athletes, musicians and actors, students who are ill, homebound students, students who travel, or special needs students. [4]

[edit] References

  • [1]CBS News
  • [2]Cyber High Schools
  • [3]New Hampshire Public Radio
  • [4]National Education Association

[[Category:Distance Education]]
