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CWSDPMI is a DPMI host written by Charles W Sandmann. It can provide DPMI services for programs compiled with latest versions of DJGPP compiler system and can also be used for programs requiring a DPMI stub. It supports virtual memory and hardware interrupt reflection from real mode to protected mode. Programs compiled with DJGPP require a DPMI host, which is usually CWSDPMI.EXE or CWSDPR0.EXE. In case of CWSDPMI.EXE, the default paging/virtual memory file is C:\CWSDPMI.SWP.

CWSDPR0.EXE is an alternate version which runs at ring 0 with virtual memory disabled. It may be used if access to ring 0 features are desired. It currently does not switch stacks on hardware interrupts, so some DJGPP features such as SIGINT and SIGFPE are not supported and will generate a double fault or stack fault error.

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