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Cuyunon (or, more correctly, "Cuyonon") refers to an ethnic group (and their language) populating Cuyo and surrounding islands, and many parts of Palawan, particularly in the north. It also

Cuyunons are originally from Cuyo, and the surrounding Cuyo Islands, a group of islands and islets in Sulu Sea, to the north eastern of Palawan. They are considered an elite class among the hierarchy of native Palaweños.

The Cuyo Island group is composed of three main islands: Cuyo, Magsaysay and Agutaya. These islands have many beautiful mountains such as the sacred Mount Aguado, Bonbon and many other.

Facts: the first Miss Philippines was a Cuyonon. And when Vietnam open its door to the world, the first ambassador was also a Cuyonon.

During the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, Cuyo had a strong Spanish presence, and some of the last names such ALCANTARA spread out all over the Philippines.