Template talk:Current daylight saving offset in Europe

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[edit] 2007 sneak preview

{{ #expr: 200703{{ #expr: 31-(5*2007 div 4 +4) mod 7}}0100}} 200703250100
{{ #expr: 200710{{ #expr: 31-(5*2007 div 4 +1) mod 7}}0100}} 200710280100
{{ #expr: 20070325010000 < 20070325005959 and 20070325005959 <= 20071028010000 }} 0
{{ #expr: 20070325010000 < 20070325010000 and 20070325010000 <= 20071028010000 }} 0
{{ #expr: 20070325010000 < 20070325010001 and 20070325010001 <= 20071028010000 }} 1
{{ #expr: 20070325010000 < 20071028005959 and 20071028005959 <= 20071028010000 }} 1
{{ #expr: 20070325010000 < 20071028010000 and 20071028010000 <= 20071028010000 }} 1
{{ #expr: 20070325010000 < 20071028010001 and 20071028010001 <= 20071028010000 }} 0