Culture of Trinidad and Tobago

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The Culture of Trinidad and Tobago reflects the influence of African, Indian, French, Amerindian, Chinese, British, Spanish, Portuguese, Venezuelan, and Caribbean culture. Since the histories of Trinidad and Tobago are different, there are differences in the cultural influences which have shaped each island. Despite their small sizes, there are also regional differences within each island.

Trinidad and Tobago is an English-speaking country with strong links to the United Kingdom. Historical membership in the British Empire left a major influence on the country, including the dominance of the English language and the popularity of the two top sports in the country, football and cricket.

A treble pan from Tobago
A treble pan from Tobago


[edit] Festivals and music

[edit] Carnival

Any time is party time in Trinidad
Any time is party time in Trinidad

The most influential single factor on the culture of Trinidad and Tobago is Carnival. Carnival was brought to Trinidad by French settlers in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Originally the celebration was confined to the elite, but it was imitated and adapted by their slaves and, after the abolition of slavery in 1834 the practise spread into the free population. The Canboulay Riots of 1881 were a turning point in the evolution of Trinidad Carnival. Carnival was originally confined to the upper classes, who rode the streets in floats, or watched from the upper storeys of residences and businesses. The night was given over to the lower classes. The first few hours of Carnival Monday morning, from about 4 am until sunrise, was known as J'ouvert (a contraction of jour ouvert). Costumed and masked by the darkness, J'ouvert allowed the wealthy to mix with the poor in relative anonymity. Monday night (night 'mas) had a similar, but lesser function.

See also: Caribbean Carnival

[edit] Mas'

The daytime of Carnival Monday and Tuesday are dominated by costumed masqueraders. Until World War II most of these masqueraders portrayed traditional characters including the Midnight Robber, Police and Thief, Wild Indian, Bat, Jab Molassie, Jab Jab, Red Devil, Blue Devil, and Dame Lorraine. The wartime presence of American soldiers (and war movies) added the Sailor Mas'. In the postwar period the individuals gave way to organised bands, which today can include thousands of masqueraders. Peter Minshall is often considered the greatest mas' designer.

[edit] Carnival fetes

Carnival fetes or "parties" take place most heatedly during the week before the actual parade of bands on Carnival Monday and Tuesday. However, traditionally, the Carnival season begins on Boxing Day and soca and calypso music reign supreme over the air waves. The fetes that take place from year end, all the way through till carnival (usually in February) are generally carnival themed and feature live music from bands and soca artists who are promoting their song contributions for the year.

[edit] Christmas

Parang is a traditional form of music at this time of year. Pastelle, black cake, fruit cake, sweet bread paime are customary eats; Peardrax[1], ponche de creme, ginger beer, sorrell wine are the drinks. This is one of the biggest celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago since most of the people are Christians.

[edit] Divali

See also: Diwali

[edit] Hosay

A tadjah at Hosay in the 1950s
A tadjah at Hosay in the 1950s
Main article: Hosay

Hosay is the local manifestation of the Shia Muslim Remembrance of Muharram in Trinidad and Tobago[2] and Jamaica[3] (where is it spelled Hussay). The name Hosay comes from "Husayn" whose marytrdom is commemorated in the festival. In Trinidad and Tobago it is primarily celebrated in Saint James, in northwestern Trinidad and in Cedros in southwestern Trinidad. Recently it has been revived elsewhere.

[edit] Phagwah

See also: Holi

[edit] Music

Calypso music developed together with Carnival. The chantuelle, who spoke for the band, evolved into the [calypsonian]] (and other characters, such as the Midnight Robber). The music, which drew upon African and French influences, became the voice of the people. It allowed the masses to challenge the doings of the unelected Governor and Legislative Council, and the elected town councils of Port of Spain and San Fernando. As English replaced patois (Creole French) as the dominant language, calypso migrated into English, and in so doing it attracted more attention from the government. Calypso continued to play an important role in political expression, and also served to document the history of Trinidad and Tobago.

[edit] Soca

Main article: Soca

Soca is a dance music which is a mix of Trinidad's calypso and Indian music and rhythms, especially chutney music. It combines the melodic lilting sound of calypso with an insistent percussion. Soca and its derivatives (Chutney soca, Ragga soca) have largely displaced mainstream calypso as the music of Carnival.

[edit] Chutney

Main article: Chutney music

Chutney is listened to Trinidad and Guyana. (Both countries have very affluent East Indian Populations.

[edit] Rapso

Main article: Rapso

[edit] Parang

Main article: Parang

Parang is a Spanish trinidadian musical art form mainly listened to around Christmas time.

[edit] Pichakaree

Main article: Pichakaree

Pichakaree is an Indo-Trinidadian musical form which originated in Trinidad and Tobago. Pichakaree songs are generally social commentary, and are sung using a mixture of Hindi, English and Bhojpuri words. The musical form was devised by RaviJi, spiritual leader of the Hindu Prachar Kendra, as an Indo-Trinidadian counterpoint to calypso which often takes a strongly anti-Indian tone. Pichakaree competitions are an integral part of Phagwa celebrations hosted by the Hindu Prachar Kendra.

[edit] Steelband

Main article: Steelpan

The steelband developed during the wartime period. They were preceded by the Tambu Bamboo bands, which used percussion instruments based on bamboo. The steelband movement developed in the postwar period. Many bands took names from war movies including Casablanca, Tokyo, Free French and Tripoli. The steelbands originated in poor neighbourhoods, and clashes between the bands were often violent. Following the Black Power riots of 1970, corporate sponsors put money into the steelband movement, bringing it more into the mainstream, but also divorcing it from its base.

[edit] Cuisine

Main article: Cuisine of Trinidad and Tobago

The cuisine of Trinidad and Tobago draws upon the varied origins of its people. Three influences predominate - Creole, Indian and Chinese cuisine.

Creole food commonly includes callaloo, macaroni pie and red beans. Indian food is based on curries. Although the Chinese element in the population is small, Chinese food is cooked in most homes, and is served in almost all "sit-down" restaurants.

The Cuisine of Trinidad and Tobago is indicative of the blends of Amerindian, European, African, Creole, Chinese, Indian and Lebanese gastronomic influences.

A representative main dish from Trinidad and Tobago is callaloo, a creamy and spicy side dish made of dasheen leaves, ochro or okra, crab, thyme, coconut milk and shado beni (from "chardon bénit," French thistle or Fitweed) or bhandhanya or culantro. Callaloo is generally considered a national dish of Trinidad and Tobago; it is often prepared for Sunday Lunch and paired with cornmeal coo coo, and sometimes made with crab. Pelau, a rice-based dish, is also a standard dish in Trinidad and Tobago. Another popular food is roti-- this is a flatbread of Indian origin often served with of curried potatoes, channa (chick peas) and meat. Dhalpuri is a type of roti which has a middle layer of ground dhal, or split peas. Other local dishes include aloo choka, coconut bake, stewed (caramelized) chicken, sancoche, macaroni pie and breadfruit oil down.

Popular street foods include most importantly doubles, pholourie, geera pork, souse, corn soup, Maracas shark & bake, and black pudding.

Also see: Cuisine of Trinidad and Tobago or Cookbook Recipe Index

[edit] Theatre

See: Beryl McBurnie for information about The Little Carib Theatre, the first permanent folk-dance company and theatre in Trinidad.

[edit] Painting, design, visual arts

Melanie Hoadley is an acclaimed Trinidadian designer, residing in Canada.

[edit] Literary scene

Trinidad and Tobago have produced many noted writers—most famously, Nobel laureates Sir Vidia Naipaul and St. Lucia–born poet Derek Walcott.

[edit] Religion

Main article: Hinduism in Trinidad; Religion in Trinidad and Tobago

The largest religious groups are the Roman Catholics and Hindus; the Anglicans, Muslims, Presbyterians, Methodist are among the smaller faiths. Two Afro-Caribbean syncretic faiths, the Shouter or Spiritual Baptists and the Orisha faith (formerly called Shangos, a less than complimentary term) are among the fastest growing religious groups, as are a host of American-style evangelical and fundamentalist churches usually lumped as "Pentecostal" by most Trinidadians (although this designation is often inaccurate). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka the "Mormon Church", has also expanded its presence in the country since the mid-1980s.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Vanished UK drink is toast of Caribbean, an April 2007 article from the BBC website
  2. ^ Korom, Frank J. (2003). Hosay Trinidad: Muharram Performances in an Indo-Caribbean Diaspora. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. ISBN 0-8122-3683-1. 
  3. ^ Shankar, Guha (2003) Imagining India(ns): Cultural Performances and Diaspora Politics in Jamaica. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin pdf