Talk:Cuban Boys
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[edit] Hi, anyone willing to wikify in my stead? Anyone even reading this? :-)
Hello, I'm one of the authors of various chunks of this entry... however I'm not much of a writer and merely an itinerant fan of the band, thus my style is pretty rubbish and I had to work hard to make it sound fairly official and not fawn too much, though reading back some months later I can see where it might be considered rather biased. Any professional wiki maintainers willing to step in and devote an hour of their time to tidying up a rather minor entry? Thanks...
Also new sites:
New songs: Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man, Spooky, Claudine is Blue, etc
New (indie released) album on the way...
(edit: had a look back thru the history, seems there ARE a lot of people looking at and editing this so realised bigheadedness was maybe misplaced!
PS: But, that said... how come they're no longer considered Peel Sessionists? As they did a Peel Session, evidenced at the very least by Peel Session versions of tunes on their myspace (last i checked anyway)? Why did Spray's ninthwave affiliation get zapped? And... come on, Hampton IS far more annoying :D hehe)