User:Croquant/Archives/Swadesh lists/Breton

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This is a Swadesh list of 207 words in English and Breton. The Swadesh word list, developed by the linguist Morris Swadesh, is used as a tool to study the evolution of languages. It contains a set of basic words which can be found in every language. Various versions have been created, in particular:

  • a complete 207 words version, in which some of the words are not found in every environment (it contains for instance snake and snow)
  • a reduced 100 words version.

This word list should not be considered as an elementary lexicon to communicate with speakers of a given language; for such a purpose, the numerous existing Wikitravel lexicons are more useful. Its only objective is to give a rough idea of the language, by showing its lexical and, when possible, phonetics basis.


[edit] List

No. English Breton
1 I me
2 you (singular) te
3 he
4 we ni
5 you (plural) c'hwi
6 they int
7 this an ... - mañ
8 that an ... - se
9 here amañ
10 there aze
11 who piv
12 what petra
13 where pelec'h
14 when pegoulz
15 how penaos
16 not ne ... ket
17 all holl
18 many kalz
19 some ... bennak, meur a
20 few nebeud
21 other all, arall
22 one unan
23 two daou
24 three tri
25 four pevar
26 five pemp
27 big bras
28 long hir
29 wide ledan
30 thick fetis
31 heavy pounner
32 small bihan
33 short berr
34 narrow enk, strizh
35 thin moan
36 woman maouez
37 man (adult male) gwaz, den
38 man (human being) den
39 child bugel
40 wife gwreg
41 husband gwaz
42 mother mamm
43 father tad
44 animal loen
45 fish pesk
46 bird labous
47 dog ki
48 louse laou
49 snake sarpant, naer
50 worm buzhugen
51 tree gwezenn
52 forest koad
53 stick bazh
54 fruit frouezhenn
55 seed had
56 leaf delienn
57 root gwrizienn
58 bark (of a tree) rusk
59 flower bleunienn
60 grass geot
61 rope kordenn
62 skin kroc'hen
63 meat kig
64 blood gwad
65 bone askorn
66 fat (noun) druzoni
67 egg vi
68 horn korn
69 tail lost
70 feather pluñvenn
71 hair blev
72 head penn
73 ear skouarn
74 eye lagad
75 nose fri
76 mouth genoù
77 tooth dant
78 tongue (organ) teod
79 fingernail ivin
80 foot troad
81 leg gar
82 knee glin
83 hand dorn
84 wing askell
85 belly kof
86 guts bouzelloù
87 neck gouzoug
88 back kein
89 breast bronn
90 heart kalon
91 liver avu
92 to drink evañ
93 to eat debriñ
94 to bite krogiñ
95 to suck sunañ
96 to spit skopat
97 to vomit dislonkañ
98 to blow c'hwezhañ
99 to breathe tennañ
100 to laugh c'hoarzhin
101 to see gwelet
102 to hear klevet
103 to know gouzout
104 to think soñjal
105 to smell klevet, c'hwezh
106 to fear kaou aoun
107 to sleep kousket
108 to live bevañ
109 to die mervel
110 to kill lazhañ
111 to fight stourm, gouren
112 to hunt chaseal
113 to hit skoiñ
114 to cut troc'hañ
115 to split faoutañ
116 to stab goustilhañ
117 to scratch skrabat
118 to dig kleuzañ
119 to swim neuñviñ
120 to fly nijal
121 to walk kerzhet, bale
122 to come dont
123 to lie (as in a bed) kousket (action)
124 to sit azezañ (action)
125 to stand sevel (action)
126 to turn (intransitive) troiñ
127 to fall kouezhañ
128 to give reiñ
129 to hold dalc'hen
130 to squeeze stardañ
131 to rub frotañ
132 to wash gwalc'hiñ
133 to wipe torchañ
134 to pull sachañ
135 to push bountañ
136 to throw teurel
137 to tie eren
138 to sew gwriat
139 to count kontañ
140 to say lavarout
141 to sing kanañ
142 to play c'hoari
143 to float tonnañ
144 to flow deverañ
145 to freeze reviñ
146 to swell c'hwezañ
147 sun heol
148 moon loar
149 star steredenn
150 water dour
151 rain glav
152 river stêr
153 lake lenn
154 sea mor
155 salt holen
156 stone maen
157 sand traezh
158 dust poultrenn
159 earth douar
160 cloud koumoul
161 fog morenn
162 sky oabl
163 wind avel
164 snow erc'h
165 ice skorn
166 smoke moged
167 fire tan
168 ash ludu
169 to burn deviñ
170 road hent
171 mountain menez
172 red ruz
173 green gwer
174 yellow melen
175 white gwenn
176 black du
177 night noz
178 day deiz
179 year bloaz, bloavezh
180 warm tomm
181 cold yen
182 full leun
183 new nevez
184 old kozh
185 good mat
186 bad fall
187 rotten brein
188 dirty lous
189 straight eeun
190 round ront
191 sharp (as a knife) lemm
192 dull (as a knife) dall
193 smooth lintr
194 wet gleb
195 dry sec'h
196 correct reizh
197 near tost
198 far pell
199 right dehoù
200 left kleiz
201 at da
202 in en
203 with gant
204 and ha
205 if mar
206 because abalamour ma, peogwir
207 name anv
  • Orthography :

When the words have various forms (verbs conjugation, gender and number agreement, declensions), the orthography is the following :

  • verbs : infinitive
  • other words : masculine or neutral, singular, nominative (subject)

For specific cases (no infinitive, feminine name, plural name for instance), the simplest form is used.

For some breton words, orthography variants may exist; in that case, only one of the possible forms is showed.

[edit] See also

[edit] Bibliography

  • Brezhoneg ... buan hag aes (Per Denez), Omnivox, Paris 1997 - ISBN 2-85294-018-3 (French)
  • Les langages de l'humanité (Michel Malherbe), Robert Laffont, Paris 1995 - ISBN 2-221-05947-6 (French)

[edit] External links