Croquet Association

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Croquet Association
Sport Croquet
Founded 1896
Official website
Flag of the United Kingdom

The Croquet Association is an official organisation that encourages and controls the game of croquet within the United Kingdom. It was formed in 1896 where Sir Compton Mackenzie was its president. The association controls the rules of the game and regulations of tornuments for its member clubs. The Open Championship of croquet originally dates back to 1867, but after a hiatus during the years 1883-1896 was reintroduced by the Croquet Association.[1]

[edit] Singles competitions

Year Croquet Championship Women's Championship Men's Championship President's Cup
1867 Walter Whitmore
1868 W. H. Peel
1869 G. C. Joad Mrs Joad
1870 W. H. Peel Miss Walter
1871 W. H. Peel Mrs Walsh
1872 C. Black Mrs Walsh
1873 J. D. Heath Mrs Walsh
1874 J. D. Heath Miss Williamson
1875 R. Gray Mrs Hallows
1876 Colonel Busk Miss K. Philbrick
1877 B. Carter Evelegh Miss K. Philbrick
1878 A. H. Spong Miss Walsh
1879 B. Carter Evelegh Miss Walsh
1880 A. H. Spong Miss Walsh
1881 A. H. Spong Miss K. Philbrick
1882 A. H. Spong Miss K. Philbrick
1883-1896 No Competition No Competition
1897 Charles Willis Maud Drummond
1898 Clement Powell Olive Henry
1899 B Carter Evelegh Lily Gower
1900 J. E. Austen Lily Gower
1901 Robert Roper Lily Gower
1902 Cyril Corbally Miss M Glyn
1903 Cyril Corbally Nina Coote
1904 Reginald Beaton Miss V. Rowley
1905 Lily Gower Nina Coote
1906 Cyril Corbally Mrs J. Watson
1907 Reginald Beaton Evelyn Bramwell
1908 Cyril Corbally Evelyn Bramwell
1909 Geoffrey Ashmore Miss N. J. Beausire
1910 Leslie O'Callaghan Bertha Willis
1911 Edgar Whitaker Elsie Reid
1912 Leslie O'Callaghan Ella Simeon
1913 Cyril Corbally Lady Julian Parr
1914 Duff Mathews Evelyn Bramwell
1915-1918 No Competition No Competition
1919 Duff Mathews Dorothy Steel
1920 Duff Mathews Mrs W.H. Hope
1921 Leslie O'Callaghan Noel Gilchrist
1922 Charles Pepper Dorothy Steel
1923 H. W. J. Snell Lorn Strickland
1924 David Joseph Mona Bryan
1925 Dorothy Steel Dorothy Steel C. R. Elwes
1926 Ben Apps Dorothy Steel Cyril Corbally
1927 Duff Mathews Dorothy Steel Lt.-Col. William Du Pru
1928 Knightley Coxe Lily Beaton Bernard Klein
1929 Lt.-Col. William Du Pru Dorothy Steel Ben Apps
1930 Ben Apps Dorothy Steel Humphrey Hicks
1931 Ben Apps Effie Ionides Ben Apps
1932 Humphrey Hicks Dorothy Steel Humphrey Hicks
1933 Dorothy Steel Dorothy Steel Lt.-Col. William Du Pru
1934 Lt.-Col. William Du Pru Dorothy Steel J. N. Lovett Dorothy Steel
1935 Dorothy Steel Dorothy Steel Maurice Reckitt Lt.-Col. William Du Pru
1936 Dorothy Steel Dorothy Steel Lt.-Col. William Du Pru L. C. Apps
1937 Charles Colman Dorothy Steel John McMordie Dorothy Steel
1938 Dudley Hamilton-Miller Dorothy Steel Charles Colman Charles Colman
1939 Humphrey Hicks Dorothy Steel Robert Tingey No Competition
1940-1945 No Competition No Competition No Competition No Competition
1946 Dudley Hamilton-Miller Phyllis Wiggins Maurice Reckitt Dudley Hamilton-Miller
1947 Humphrey Hicks Nora Elvey Eddie Ward Petley Humphrey Hicks
1948 Humphrey Hicks Nora Elvey Humphrey Hicks Humphrey Hicks
1949 Humphrey Hicks Daisy Lintern Humphrey Hicks E. Patrick Cotter
1950 Humphrey Hicks Margaret Claughton Humphrey Hicks E. Patrick Cotter
1951 Geoffrey L. Reckitt Daisy Lintern John Solomon Humphrey Hicks
1952 Humphrey Hicks Hope Rotherham E. Patrick Cotter E. Patrick Cotter
1953 John Solomon Hope Rotherham John Solomon E. Patrick Cotter
1954 Arthur Ross Daisy Lintern E. Patrick Cotter Humphrey Hicks
1955 E. Patrick Cotter Hope Rotherham Humphrey Hicks John Solomon
1956 John Solomon Ada Kirk Humphrey Hicks E. Patrick Cotter
1957 Bobby Wiggins Daisy Lintern Bobby Wiggins John Solomon
1958 E. Patrick Cotter Daisy Lintern John Solomon John Solomon
1959 John Solomon Hope Rotherham John Solomon John Solomon
1960 Hope Rotherham Joan Warwick John Solomon E. Patrick Cotter
1961 John Solomon Isabel Roe Humphrey Hicks Humphrey Hicks
1962 E. Patrick Cotter Joan Warwick John Solomon John Solomon
1963 John Solomon Hope Rotherham John Solomon John Solomon
1964 John Solomon Hope Rotherham John Solomon John Solomon
1965 John Solomon Joan Warwick John Solomon John Bolton
1966 John Solomon Joan Warwick Humphrey Hicks William Ormerod
1967 John Solomon E.M. Lightfoot Bernard Neal Keith Wyle
1968 John Solomon Joan Warwick Keith Wyle John Solomon
1969 Nigel Aspinall Hope Rotherham E. Patrick Cotter Nigel Aspinall
1970 Keith Wyle Jean Jarden William Ormerod Nigel Aspinall
1971 Keith Wyle Jocelyn Sundius-Smith John Solomon John Solomon
1972 Bernard Neal Jean Jarden John Solomon William Prichard
1973 Bernard Neal Kitty Sessions Nigel Aspinall Nigel Aspinall
1974 Nigel Aspinall Kitty Sessions Martin Murray Nigel Aspinall
1975 Nigel Aspinall Kitty Wheeler Edgar Jackson Nigel Aspinall
1976 Nigel Aspinall Barbara Meachem Martin Murray Nigel Aspinall
1977 Micheal Heap Frances Joly Edgar Jackson Keith Wyle
1978 Nigel Aspinall Veronica Carlisle Paul Hands Nigel Aspinall
1979 David Openshaw Barbara Meachem George Noble Eric Solomon
1980 William Prichard Barbara Meachem Martin Murray Nigel Aspinall
1981 David Openshaw Veronica Carlisle David Openshaw Stephen Mulliner
1982 Nigel Aspinall Susan Wiggins Martin Murray Nigel Aspinall
1983 Nigel Aspinall Susan Wiggins Nigel Aspinall Stephen Mulliner
1984 Nigel Aspinall Veronica Carlisle Stephen Mulliner Nigel Aspinall
1985 David Openshaw Mary Collin Stephen Mulliner Nigel Aspinall
1986 Joe Hogan Susan Wiggins David Foulser Stephen Mulliner
1987 Mark Avery Mary Collin Keith Aiton Stephen Mulliner
1988 Stephen Mulliner Debbie Cornelius Mark Saurin Chris Clarke
1989 Joe Hogan Bo Harris Keith Aiton Robert Fulford
1990 Stephen Mulliner Frances Ransom Robert Fulford David Maugham
1991 Robert Fulford Gail Curry David Openshaw Chris Clarke
1992 Robert Fulford Gail Curry Colin Irwin Stephen Mulliner
1993 Reginald Bamford Gail Curry Reginald Bamford David Maugham
1994 Reginald Bamford Debbie Cornelius Michael Taylor David Maugham
1995 Reginald Bamford Gail Curry David Openshaw Chris Clarke
1996 Robert Fulford Gail Curry David Goacher Chris Clarke
1997 Chris Clarke Bo Harris Aaron Westerby Steve Comish
1998 Robert Fulford Frances Ransom Robert Fulford Robert Fulford
1999 Reginald Bamford Beatrice McGlen Reginald Bamford Robert Fulford
2000 Stephen Mulliner Louise Bradforth Reginald Bamford Ed Cunningham
2001 Reginald Bamford Creina Dawson Reginald Bamford Robert Fulford
2002 Reginald Bamford Jenny Williams Reginald Bamford Robert Fulford
2003 Robert Fulford Gail Curry Pete Trimmer Chris Clarke
2004 Robert Fulford Liz Fleming Reginald Bamford David Maugham
2005 David Maugham Jenny Williams Chris Clarke Keith Aiton
2006 Robert Fulford Louise Bradforth Robert Fulford Robert Fulford
2007 Robert Fulford Louise Bradforth Keith Aiton James Death

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Encyclopedia of Sport, Charles Harvey (ed.) - Purnell & Sons 1959