The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World

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The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World
"Cover of The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World"
Developer(s) American Softworks Corporation
Publisher(s) American Softworks Corporation
Platform(s) NES
Release date April, 1992
Genre(s) Action

The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World is an NES video game produced by American Softworks. It was made in April 1992.

[edit] Gameplay

A screen shot showing Gliders being created by a Gosper Glider Gun
A screen shot showing Gliders being created by a Gosper Glider Gun

The plot centers around protagonist, Ron, and his fight to eliminate a virus out of a computer system. The player controls a miniature "space ship" that shoots anti-virus and other variations of the weapon to try to contain the virus in that room.

The virus in the game is a Cellular automaton following the rules of Conway's Game of Life, with the exception that each cell is either a virus cell (green) or a clean cell (light blue). As new cells are created, they either be virus cells or clean cells depending on which type makes up the majority of their neighbors.

[edit] See also