Critical Left

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Critical Left
Leader Franco Turigliatto
Founded 8 December 2007
(as a political party)
Headquarters unknown
Newspaper none
Membership  unknown
Ideology Communism, Trotskyism, Feminism
Coalition stand-alone
European party none
European Parliament Group none

Critical Left (Sinistra Critica) is a communist political party in Italy.

Originally a trotskyist faction within the Communist Refoundation Party, it broke ranks on 8 December 2007 to become an independent party.[1] Its leader is Salvatore Cannavò, member of the Chamber of Deputies from 2006 to 2008. In that period of time the party had also a senator, Franco Turigliatto. Both voted consistently against the Prodi II Cabinet.

[edit] Leadership

  • Spokesman: Salvatore Cannavò (2007–...)

[edit] References

[edit] External links