Cristo de las Noas

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El Cristo de las Noas
El Cristo de las Noas

El Cristo de las Noas, located in the Cerro de las Noas hill, in the Mexican city of Torreón, Coahuila, México, is a sculptured by Vladimir Alvarado, who wanted to immortalize his work a with an enormous protecting Christ.

The gigantic statue measures 71.5 ft (21.80 meters) from its base, and is made of over 580 tons of reinforced concrete; it is the most significant symbol not only of Torreón, but of all the Comarca Lagunera region. The project was conceived in 1973 by José Rodriguez Tenorio, and is the third biggest Christ statue in Latin America, only smaller than the statue of Christ The Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Cristo de la Concordia in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Detalle de la cabeza del Cristo de las Noas
Detalle de la cabeza del Cristo de las Noas

This statue owes its name after the hill where is placed, Cerro de las Noas, named after a desert cactus that grows in this region.

At the Cristo de las Noas Sanctuary, there is a religious touristic complex with Holy Land replicas and a panoramic restaurant. It was built between 1973 and 2000.

Cristo de las Noas