Criminal Investigation Department

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Charles Vincent, founder of the Metropolitan Police CID
Charles Vincent, founder of the Metropolitan Police CID

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) is the branch of all British Police and many other Commonwealth police forces, to which plain clothes detectives belong. It is thus distinct from the Uniformed Branch and the Special Branch. CID officers are required to have had at least two years as a uniformed officer before applying to transfer to the branch and receive further training when they do so. After the two year probationary period it is acceptable that officers who strive for a position in CID can go straight their after the two years and training while on the job. While training they are referred to as a Training Detective Constable (TDC) and after a years training period they become a fully fledged Detective Constable (DC).

The Metropolitan Police Service CID, the first such organisation, was set up on 7 April 1878 by C. E. Howard Vincent. Originally it was only responsible to the Home Secretary, but since 1888 has been under the authority of the Commissioner.

CID officers are involved in investigation of major crimes such as rape, murder, serious assault, fraud, and any other offences that require complex detection. They are responsible for acting upon intelligence received and then building a case, from analysis of the initial incident through to arrest and prosecution of any suspects.

In the United Kingdom, smaller police stations usually have more uniformed officers than CID officers. Usually having five Detective Constables (DC) with a Detective Sergeant (DS) in overall command, but in larger stations usually many DCs DSs and Detective Inspectors will be present with the over all command of the department the responsibility of the Detective Chief Inspector


  • The unrelenting investigation of criminals
  • Securing convictions for criminals
  • Aftercare of witnesses

[edit] Ranks

Contrary to practice in police forces of many other nations, detectives are not automatically senior to uniformed officers and hold the same ranks. The head of the CID in most police forces is a Detective Chief Superintendent.

These ranks are common to most forces.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links