Credit Business Fellow (United States)
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The Credit Business Fellow (CBF) is a professional designation for a business-to-business credit manager. The CBF designation and structure is trademarked by the National Association of Credit Managers. The CBF designation illustrates that achievers are knowledgeable about and have contributed to the field of business credit by first having earned the CBA designation as well as having completed additional course work.
The CBF signals competence in intermediate financial analysis and business and credit law. In addition to completing course work, CBF designation applicants must show evidence of 75 NACM Career Roadmap points.
The three courses needed to qualify for this designation are:
- Business Law I (Contracts, Negotiable Instruments)
- Credit Law (UCC, Bankruptcy, Antitrust)
- Financial Statements: Interpretation and Credit Risk
- Assessment (formerly Financial Statement Analysis II)
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