Creature from the Black Lagoon (pinball)

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Creature from the Black Lagoon
Manufacturer Midway
System Midway WPC (Fliptronics II)
Designer Designer: John Trudeau
Programmer: Jeff Johnson
Artwork: Kevin O'Connor
Mechanics: Ernie Pizarro
Music / Sounds: Paul Heitsch
Release Date December 1992
Production Run 7,841 units

Creature from the Black Lagoon is a pinball machine designed by John Trudeau ("Dr. Flash") and released by Midway (under the Bally brand name). It is based on the movie of the same name.

[edit] Gameplay

The main objective in this game is to collect the letters of "F-I-L-M" to start multiball.

  • F: The player has to collect the K-I-S-S letters by shooting the left loop.
  • I: The player has to light the Snackbar (center scoop) by hitting all four of the Menu targets.
  • L: Complete the P-A-I-D rollovers, located above the pop bumpers.
  • M: The player has to shoot the Slide (the right loop) when it's lit.

The player will receive a Sequential Film Bonus of 8 million points if he or she collects the letters in order.

After the F-I-L-M letters are collected, shoot either the KISS loop or the Slide loop to start 2-ball multiball.

[edit] External links