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In the timeline there are many different universes not all are refered too. in the list below you will see all the universes (or at least a good bit of them)

Universe number summary
Universe 46 In this universe several million years ago an asteroid headed torward earth but impacted the moon instead. since this asteroid did not make contact dinosaurs continued to rule the Earth and the human race never formed. Current year 1973
Universe 53 In the year 2037 nuclear war devastated the Earth and human civilization didn't expand as they did in the mainstream universe. by this time the surrounding star systems were under the control of the katigians. Humans are a second rate species with almost no power in this universe. Current 2251
Universe 71 an interstellar disaster causes all stars to shrink and slowly wither away taking planets with them. the night sky is dotted with faint, blurry, specks which were once thriving systems. The races of this universe barely hang on to their survival as they mine whatever resources are left in the universe and live in small ships and free-floating asteroids. Current year 2792
Universe 72 The force of gravity in this universe isn't as powerful as it is in the mainstream universe. large planets do not form. the Earth of this universe is the size of the moon. the Earth is held in place by an asteroid know as Lithia. current year 2101.
Universe 87 During the solar wars Earth was bombarded and all life was destroyed on it. Mars sent out it's full military might winning the war for the C.P.A. instead of a peace treaty being signed. The C.P.A. Now rules Sol and other solar systems with mars as it's capitol. Current year 2198
Universe 94 Faster than light travel was never developed Earth used light speed ships and generation ships to transport resources back to Sol. Eventually a Dyson sphere is constructed around the sun in order to hold the growing Human population. Current year 3002.
Universe 109 Intelligent life develops nowhere in the galaxy and so all the planets are devoid of any activity and any interference. Current year N/A
Universe 111 A sentient plague ravages the galaxy taking over species after species and feeding off of their organic matter. the remaining people of this universe leave the galaxy in generation ships heading for Andromeda. Current year 2831.
Universe 120 Orpheus never hits the Earth and so the moon is never created. Earth remains a waterworld in which an intelligent species of squid eventually develops. Current year 1460.
Universe 135 Terran planets never form and so the only life in exist in Jovian worlds.(aka gas giants) Current Year 2056.
Universe 147 Klanthons win the battle at EE4 changing the tide of war to their side. They eventually Take over the Earth and the other nearby inhabited systems. A resitance is formed to take back the Galaxy.
Universe 161 The Use of wormholes in this Universe relvolutionized Galactic propulsion. however there were only a set number of wormholes and so the races of the galaxy are fighting for control of them.
Universe 173 (mainstream Universe) The universe described in the Cranta9 timeline. stars and planets exist as we know them. Most habitable systems are found bunched together in groups called Goldylocks bubbles. Their are a total of six in the milky way galaxy.
Universe 182 During the precambrian Era the mammals were completely wiped out and so Insects took their place at the top of the food chain. Eventually a sentient species of insect evolved and dominated the Sol system. Current year 2265.
Universe 204 (Mirror Universe) It is an almost polar opposite of the mainstream universe. The Central Empire (a.k.a the Humans) has enslaved all but one race the Klanthons who in this universe are a benevolent peaceloving species which have protected beings seeking to evade the humans.
Universe 223 Back in the 23rd century the sentient A.I. that the humans created went beserk and took over sol. They then expanded outward destroying any organic life that they find.