
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

User:Craggb is the wiki-alias of one Bryce Krishna Cragg, a Junior undergraduate studying biochemistry and molecular biology at Reed College in Portland, OR. Wikipedia is often his gateway for information about any one of the thousands of known poly-peptides, and for properties of organic molecules. He intends to use his required research for his classes as a means of accumulating information to advance the articles found on Wikipedia.

Currently, his interest is in Developmental Biology, and he will be spending the Summer (2007) in the laboratory of Steven Black, researching the expression patterns of mesodermal markers in the arachnid Zygiella X. notata. His goal is to give a detailed characterization of the paradigm of dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior axis formation in the spider by the end of Spring 2008, when his senior thesis will be due, and he is commenced from the college.

Bryce enjoys underground hip-hop, and instrumental music, and has recorded several of his own tracks. He currently lives with another BMB major in his class, Vito Spadavecchio, and they are both preparing for a career in medicine, bio-medical science, pharmaceutical chemistry, or academia. The two enjoy ogling women in the humanistic disciplines, the occasional good local beer, and breaking from their regime of constant study and exposition to play a few rounds of Halo on the X-box 360.

Bryce was a member of the Judicial Board at Reed College from the Fall of 2005 to 2006, and was appointed chair at the beginning of the summer of 2006. He has been a lab TA for intro. chemistry, a personal tutor for organic chemistry, a tech. for the Sound Kollektiv, and he coordinated Karma Patrol, a student run health initiative, for Renn Fayre 2006. He feels that he has paid his dues to the college and would like to focus on academics for the rest of his time at Reed.

Currently he is approaching the terminus of the most trying semester he has ever had, after a great deal of disappointment and self-loathing caused by a *****, two qualifying exams, and a crippling bout with influenza.

Although he is training in science, Bryce is, first and foremost, a philosopher, because it is his philosophy that preserves and saves him. It is, in the words of Ben Folds, his "helmet hat... [his] torch." He is currently working on accumulating meditations for a novel or manifesto concerning the ethics of personal identity.