
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Wikipedia:Uploading images (existing)

[edit] Wikipedia uploading images (revised)

[edit] Introduction

This page gives a quick-start for uploading image files into the Wikipedia image file database. In Wikipedia, image files cover any independent file that contains pictures, animations, drawings or sound clips.

There is a lot of information in the Wikipedia special pages giving details of image files and, at first, uploading files can seem daunting. But, the basic procedure is really quite straight-forward and is broken-down into three operations:

  • prepare file
  • complete image description page
  • upload file

[edit] Check first

Before uploading images check the following:

  • Wikipedia is very particular about avoiding copyright infringements, so please read and follow the image use policy.
  • It might also be helpful to read Wikipedia:How to keep image file sizes as small as possible.
  • If a file with the name you are specifying already exists in the Wikipedia image database, it will be replaced without warning. So, unless you mean to update an existing file, first check if a file with the same name exists. If you find a file name clash change your file name (see "File name recommentation" below). To view or search previously uploaded images go to the list of uploaded images. Uploads and deletions are logged on the upload log page.

[edit] Others may edit your file and abuse

Please note that, as with Wikipedia pages, others may edit or delete your uploaded image files if they think it serves Wikipedia.

Also, you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system.

[edit] File name recommendation

For the file name, it is good practice, but not essential, to:

  • Start the file name with highest level description of the image and continue with progressive lower order descriptions separated by underscores. For exaple: lcd_42inch_color_television_n001.png should be reformatted as: television_lcd_color_42inch_n001.png. Following the description insert a file number (n001 in this case) which always begins with "n". The file number is used to allow the same description to be used as another file with similar content. It is usefull for avoiding clashes with existing image files in the Wikipedia image file database and avoids the need to corrupt the file name to avoid a clash; simply increment the file number. The last field following a full stop is the file extension (.png in this case) which defines the file format and is mandatory.
  • For the file name, only use lowercase text (not uppercase) and the numerals 0 to 9. Use underscores as separators (not dashes or white spaces). A full stop must only be used before the file extension as the final separator at the end of the file
  • Plese keep the file name as short as possible, consistent with providing a difinitive description

[edit] Completing image description page

  • Use the form at the Special:Upload page to upload new image files which can then be inserted into Wikipedia pages.
  • Left click on the "Browse" button (opposite "Source Filename:" text field). With most browsers, you will see a your operating system's standard file dialog open.
  • Navigate to the file for uploading.
  • Left click on the selected file. The path and selected filename will be inserted into the " Source Filename:" text field (for example C:/My pictures/television_lcd_color_42inch_n001.png). Only the file name will appear in the "Destination File Name:" text field (television_lcd_color_42inch_n001.png). This file name will be used by Wikipedia database. Alternatively, the "Destination File Name" can be edited. The edited file name will then be used by Wikipedia.
  • Copy and paste the following summary template into the "Summary:" field:


What can you see/hear?


Self-made or URL. If relevant name of institution and where available catalog number, reference etc.


Date image was created or released ie: "created 02 October 2099" To prevent misunderstandings due to different date formats, use date format shown or use ISO 8601[1] notation eg: 2099-10-02)


First name, middle name initials and last name (family name) of the author (if own files additionally the user name), and where applicable the name of the institution.

(Reusing this image)

Summary of the copyright owner's permission (if too long abbreviate and insert a link to the full version).

Other versions Wikipedia link to other versions of the image if they exist within Wikimedia (eg: black and white version of a color image)

Edit the text fields in the summary template to suit the image to be uploaded.

  • Complete the "Licencing:" text field by inserting a "Licence Template" appropriate for the image file. Either select from the pull-down list on the upload page or copy and paste from Wikipedia:Image copyright tag. As an example the "GNU Self" licence is shown below:

[edit] Uploading

  • Left click the "Upload file" button to upload the file. This may take some time depending on the file size and the speed of the internet connection.
  • When the file has uploaded the message "upload successful" will be displayed.
  • The image will then be available for inserting into Wikipedia pages

[edit] Sample Image

[edit] Links




[edit] Summary template specific to CPES


Transistor Symbols




Created 21 October 2006


Christopher P E Shenton CPES 20:45, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

(Reusing this image)

GFDL (self-made)

Other versions None