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[edit] Behind the Coyote

Originally, "CoyoteWildfire" was a name my father had come up with for his X-Box Live gamertag. Since I played it more than he did, people were always calling me Coyote. It wasn't long after that, that I adopted the name in online forums, on social websites, or in other games.

[edit] Interests

  • Computers

Since I was a little child, I've enjoyed computers and electronic technology. From computer hardware to number systems used in computing to computer networking, the concepts and implementation have fascinated me. Currently, I'm a technician for a consulting company that employs services primarily in networking, minor scripting, and general computer usage and safety.

  • Music

It is my firm (personal) belief, that there isn't a person on this planet who doesn't enjoy some form of music or another. This is of course with the exception of the deaf or otherwise impaired people who are incapable of enjoying it. I've played drums since 2003, preferring Zildjian cymbals. I also played in a local rock band for about 3/4ths of a year, back in '04. Currently, I make electronic music with the FruityLoops synthesizer--under the pseudonym "Spencer Kinsman"--as a pass-time activity.

  • Writing

Story writing, poetry and the like are a hobby of mine. I've only written a few stories over the years, mostly fanfictions since I was about 12 or 13 years of age. Though I do not view writing as a serious possibility for a career, I wouldn't mind having a poem or story published.

  • Japan

I have a lot of respect and admiration for the Japanese people, whether it be the way of the Bushido or current Japanese technologies and culture. I officially studied the language for three years with a close friend of mine, learning to read the Kana, minimal Kanji, and some vocabulary. Currently, I unofficially pick up words and phrases from anime I watch.

[edit] Personal Life

I live in upstate New York of the United States. I've moved four times (once before I was old enough to remember it), but it's never exceeded an hour's driving time away. Though I'm not fond of the winters, I enjoy the scenery and being close to family on my father's side.

Academically, I was homeschooled from K to my Senior year and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Because of it, I feel I'm far closer to my family, who have supported me, guided me and helped me through the years. I can consider my siblings among my closest friends and I have a healthy respect for my parents. In the future, I have no interest in attending formal college and have taken a lot of flak from others about it. Instead, I took up an apprenticeship in computer and information technology with the consulting company that employs me currently. The IT staff of our biggest client, Dairylea Cooperative, Inc., has taken me under their wing in many cases, training me and giving me learning resources to further my knowledge. I am presently working toward my Cisco CCNA certification.

Politically, I would say I'm more conservative than liberal, but I'm not a Republican. I find politics to be generally futile; the constant arguments, government/political leader bashing to be ridiculous and unreasonable. I won't participate in debates over political matters, while reserving my own opinions on things such as alcohol, abortion, drugs, gay rights, religion, welfare, outsourcing and other seemingly-popular items of discussion.

Religiously, I'm a Protestant Christian. Generally, it seems to me that people refer to Christians as just about anyone that believes in a God. I do not believe that should be so, so I just ask not to be generalized.

[edit] Other User Comments

If there's anything about me that you know or a statement concerning my life that you would like to make, please put it here.

~~Coyote 16:09, 24 October 2007 (UTC)