User:Cowboy Rocco/monobook.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If a message on your talk page led you here, please be wary of who left it. The code below could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account; if your account appears to be compromised, it will be blocked. If you are unsure whether the code is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump.
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. In Internet Explorer and Firefox, hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. Opera users have to clear their caches through Tools→Preferences, see the instructions for Opera. Konqueror and Safari users can just click the Reload button.
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// [[User:Lupin/popups.js]]
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function forceSummary()
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function forceSummary()
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// Settings
var hrefUserAnonim = wgServer + '/wiki/Special:Contributions/';
var hrefUserSpaced = wgServer + '/wiki/User:';
var hrefUserSpacedNew =  wgServer + '/w/index.php\\?title=User:';
var hrefUserTalkSpaced = wgServer + '/wiki/User_talk:';
var textReplyShort = 'Re:';
var textNoHeadShort = 'Ad:';
var textReplyLinkName = 'reply';
/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: autoNewSectionName
	Inserting new section and backword link
	from the location string param.
		newsectionname - passed through the location string of the page
\* ===================================================== */
function autoNewSectionName()
	// Get input element for section name (now understood as the textbox)
	var elInput = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
	if (elInput)
		// Get data send from previous page
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		var matches = reParam.exec(;
		var sectxt;
		// append to input if all OK
		if (matches)
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			elInput.value += ';'+sectxt+'\n\n';
		// Add some summary
		elInput = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
		if (elInput)
			matches = /[ ](.*)\]/.exec(sectxt);
			// append to input if all OK
			if (matches)
				elInput.value += decodeURIComponent(matches[1])
/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: addReplyLinks
	Adding reply links near user links.
	* nie działa dla IE (błędy kodowania UTF-8)
\* ===================================================== */
function addReplyLinks()
	// When to run this...
	// if (!document.getElementById('t-permalink') && !document.getElementById('t-ispermalink') )	// almost always
	if (wgCurRevisionId==0)	// no versioning available
	var i;
	// Get viewed page version link (may be something in history)
	// this one means it is a perma link (comparing versions, showing one specfic version and such)
	if (document.getElementById('t-ispermalink'))
		var hrefPermalink = document.location.href;
	// get latest
		var hrefPermalink = '{{fullurl:' + wgPageName + '|oldid=' + wgCurRevisionId + '}}';
	// Get some places to put this into and puting this
	var reHref = new RegExp (hrefUserSpaced + "([^/]*)$", "i");	// with ignore case
	var reHrefNew = new RegExp (hrefUserSpacedNew + "([^/?&]*)", "i");	// with ignore case
	var reHrefAnonim = new RegExp (hrefUserAnonim + "([\.0-9]*)$");
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	var a = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('A');
	for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
//		if (secAbove)
//		{
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				if (a[i].className=='new')
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					var matches = reHref.exec(a[i].href);
				if (!matches)
					matches = reHrefAnonim.exec(a[i].href);
				if (matches)
					// creating reply href
					// var userName = matches[1];
					var hrefReply = hrefUserTalkSpaced + matches[1] + '?action=edit&section=new';
					// and now to create and add data for the new reply section name
					var newSectionName = '['+hrefPermalink+'#'' '+secReplyText+secAbove.text+']';
					hrefReply += '&newsectionname=' + encodeURIComponent(newSectionName);
					var newEl = document.createElement('small');
					var newA = document.createElement('A');
					newA.setAttribute('href', hrefReply);
					newA.setAttribute('title', textReplyShort+secAbove.text);
					i++;	// a is a dynamic list
//		}
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			// going to header element text
			var header;
			if (a[i].parentNode.nextSibling.nodeType == document.TEXT_NODE)
				// FF
				header = a[i].parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling
				// IE
				header = a[i].parentNode.nextSibling
			// check if this is the right element - if not skip
			if (header) if (header.nodeType == document.ELEMENT_NODE)
			{ = a[i].name;
				// sometimes there could be a link in the header (maybe some more)
				secAbove.text = parseSectionText(header.innerHTML);
				// should be set only once (as it is always the same), but let's leave it that way
				secReplyText = textReplyShort;
/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: insertAfterGivenElement
	Inserting "newEl" element after given "el" element.
		el - element object to insert after
		newEl - (new) element object to insert
\* ===================================================== */
function insertAfterGivenElement(el, newEl) {
	if (el.nextSibling)
		el.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, el.nextSibling);
/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: [obsolete] stripHtmlTags
	Stripping HTML tags from the HTML text.
	Returns stripped text.
		html - the html text
\* ===================================================== */
function stripHtmlTags(html){
	return html.replace(/<\S[^<>]*>/g, ''); // with global match (all will be replaced)
/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: parseSectionText
	Stripping HTML tags from the HTML text and cleansing 
	of some wikicode
	Returns stripped text.
		html - the html text
\* ===================================================== */
function parseSectionText(html){
	// with global match (all will be replaced)
	html = html.replace(/<\S[^<>]*>/g, '');
	// replace cut anything in brackets [] (editing sections links and such)
	html = html.replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/,'');
	// replace wiki stuff with null
	html = html.replace(/[\{\}]/g,'');
	// trim (right,left)
	html = html.replace(/[ \t]*$/,'').replace(/^[ \t]*/,'');
	return html
// </pre>
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function do_since_I_last_edited() {
var csub=document.getElementById("contentSub");
var msg=document.createElement("p");
("Parsing history... please wait..."));
csub.insertBefore(msg, csub.firstChild)
var username=document.getElementById("pt-userpage").textContent;
var hists=document.getElementById("pagehistory").getElementsByTagName('li');
for (n=0;n<hists.length;n++) {
if (hists[n].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].textContent==username) {
("You have not edited this page! (recently)"),
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// Script from [[User:MarkS/extraeditbuttons.js]]
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{ name:'Tags',
tagset:[['external-links|%date','See [[WP:EL]]'],
['cleanup','Adding Cleanup Tag'],
['Contradict','Section or article is contradictory'],
['Disputeabout|%prompt(Point of dispute.)'],
['Merge|%prompt(Merge with)'],
['Mergeto|%prompt(Merged into)'],
['Notenglish|%prompt(language is?)'],
['Original research','Original research'],
['POV','POV tag added'],
['POV-section','POV section tag added'],
['trivia','Adding Trivia Section'],
['Unreferenced','Section is not referenced'],
['Wikify','Wikify needed']]
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function welcome() {
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    var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
    //The welcome template you are wanting to use
    var welcome_msg = 'welcomeh'
    // The code to be added to the page
    var tag = '{{'+'subst'+':'+ welcome_msg +'}}';
    // If the edit box doesn't already have this tag...
    if (txt.value.indexOf(tag) == -1) {
        // Append the tag
        txt.value += tag;
        // Add an edit summary
        document.editform.wpSummary.value = 'Welcome to Wikipedia!';    
        // Press the Save page button
    // If the tag was already there, turn the tab background red to indicate 
    // that the script is functioning properly, but that there is no action 
    // to do.  This doesn't interrupt the user's work like an alert() would.
    else {
        document.getElementById('ca-unverified') = "#ff4444";
        document.getElementById('ca-unverified').style.backgroundColor = "#ff4444";
// Create a tab that calls this function when pressed
addOnloadHook(function () {
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        addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:welcome()', 'w', 'ca-welcome', 'Adds a welcome note to a new user', '', '');
/* This is to keep track of who is using this extension: [[User:Nmajdan/welcome_newuser.js]] */
/* </pre> */
addOnloadHook(function() {
addPortletLink('p-tb','/wiki/Special:Log/block','Recent blocks','t-log','Special:Log');
addOnloadHook(function() {
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addOnloadHook(function() {
addPortletLink('p-tb','/wiki/Special:Log','All logs','t-log','Special:Log');
addOnloadHook(function() {
//add to tb: {{fullurl:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/{{CURRENTYEAR}}_{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}_{{CURRENTDAY}}|action=edit}}
var now = new Date(); var url = '';
var mn = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
url += wgServer + wgScript + '?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Log/';
url += now.getFullYear() + '_' + mn[now.getMonth()] + '_' + now.getDate() + '&action=edit';
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addPortletLink( 'p-tb', wgServer + wgArticlePath.replace( '$1', 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/' + (new Date()).getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + (new Date()).getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + (new Date()).getUTCDate() ), 'del logs','t-log','Wikipedia' );
// CommonsHelper Helper (CH²) by Krimpet
// Released into the public domain
function ch2I18N() {
ch2_wplanguage = "en";
ch2_chlanguage = "en";
ch2_edittitle_Prefix = "Editing Image:";
ch2_edittitle_Postfix = "";
ch2_string_SpecifyNewName = "New Name? (leave blank to keep original):";
ch2_string_UseWikiSense = "Use WikiSense to suggest categories?";
ch2_string_StartCommonsHelper = "Start CommonsHelper";
ch2_string_FinishedUploading = "Click when finished uploading";
ch2_string_Done = "Done! Review everything below to ensure it is correct, and save this page.";
ch2_string_MoveToCommons = "MC";
ch2_string_EditSummary = "[[Wikipedia:Moving images to the Commons|Moved image to the Wikimedia Commons]] using [[User:Krimpet/CommonsHelper Helper|CH²]]";
ch2_template_ncd = "subst:ncd";
ch2_templates_copy = new Array(
"Copy to Wikimedia Commons",
"Move to Wikimedia Commons",
"Move to Commons",
"Move to commons",
"To Commons",
"to Commons"
ch2_templates_embed = new Array(
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
+ '' 
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TwinkleConfig = {
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        showSharedIPNotice              :       true,
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        orphanBacklinksOnSpeedyDelete   :       {orphan:true, exclude:['g6']}
// [[User:Ais523/votesymbols.js]]
// Code for adding icons to !votes in AfDs, RfAs, etc.. Doesn't affect the page, just
// shows the icons when this code is installed.
// Please see [[:Image:Votesymbols.js-enhanced_SfD.png]] for copyright info on the images that are added.
function lowerNoPunct(s)
  return s.toLowerCase().split('.').join('').split(',').join('').split(':').join('').split(';').join('').split('+').join('');
addOnloadHook(function() {
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//[[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]
/**** afd helper ****/
document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +
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/* This is to keep track of who is using this extension: [[User:Jnothman/afd_helper/script.js]] */
 function aivlist(type) {
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 function addaivlink() { 
  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism") != -1)
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Script version 2.2.1
Versions 1.0-2.0 in history of [[User:Sceptre/monobook.js]]... I think
function warn()
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var prefix = prompt("What is the prefix? Change if appropriate", "uw-")
var type = prompt("Which standard warning do you wish to issue?", "test");
var severity = prompt("How severe is the violation?", "1");
var page = prompt("What page?");
var msgtext = "{{subst:"+prefix + type + severity + "|" + page + "|subst=subst:}} "--~" + "~" + "~" ;
if(page.length == 0) {page = "Wikipedia"} else { page = "[["+page+"]]" };
var summary = "Your recent edits to " + page ;
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    if(txt.value.length > 0) txt.value += '\n';
    txt.value += msgtext;
importScript('User:Cameltrader/All-in-one.js'); //[[User:Cameltrader/All-in-one.js]]
importScript('User:Cameltrader/ContactList.js'); //[[User:Cameltrader/ContactList.js]]
popupQueriedRevertSummary='Reverted intermediate edits to last revision ($1) by [[Special:Contributions/$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]])';
popupFixDabsSummary='fixing disambiguation %s to %s';
popupRedlinkSummary='removing red-link %s';
// [[User:Jsimlo/shortcuts.js]]
function shortcutsInit ()
  shortcutsAddLink ('Prefix index', 'Special:Prefixindex');
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      addTab("" + username, "page moves", "ca-pagemoves", "page moves", "");
      addTab("" + username, "block log", "ca-blog", "blog", "");
      addTab("" + username, "edit count", "ca-kate", "kate", "");
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      addTab("" + username, "page moves", "ca-pagemoves", "page moves", "");
      addTab("" + username, "block log", "ca-blog", "blog", "");
      addTab("" + username, "edit count", "ca-kate", "kate", "");
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 if (!pagehis) return;
 var lnk = document.createElement('a'); = '10px';
 lnk.href = '#';
 pagehis.parentNode.insertBefore(lnk, pagehis);
//Interiot's javascript edit counter
if (document.title.indexOf('User:Interiot/Tool2/code.js') != -1) {
  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
    + '' 
    + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>'); }
//wierd stuff
//crat stuff
//Protection stuff
//New pages tools
importScript('User:Voice of All/Addtabs/monobook.js');
function addtoolboxlinks()
    var tb = document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    addlilink(tb, '/wiki/Special:Newpages', 'New pages', '');
    addlilink(tb, '/wiki/Special:Log/newusers', 'New users', '');
    addlilink(tb, '/wiki/WP:PP', 'Protected pages', '');
/**** afd helper ****/
document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +
  'src="' +
/* This is to keep track of who is using this extension: [[User:Jnothman/afd_helper/script.js]] */
addOnloadHook(function () {
 // if this is a user, show the logs for the user rather than the page
 if ( wgCanonicalNamespace == "User" || wgCanonicalNamespace == "User_talk" ) {
  url = wgServer + "/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&user=" + wgTitle.split("/")[0];
 } else if ( wgCanonicalNamespace == "Special" ) {
  // don't display link for special pages
 } else {
  url = wgServer + "/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=" + wgPageName;
 addPortletLink("p-tb", url, "Logs", "pt-logs");
== Utility funcs ==
 //function getValueOf(varName) {defaultize(varName);
 //                              return eval(varName);};
 function getGetParamValue (param) {
     window.location.href.match('[\?&]' + param + '[^&]*)');
     return RegExp.$1;
== Selection funcs ==
 function sel_mode_DPL (linkHTML) {
     return  !(linkHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf( '</a> (redirect page' )
                     == -1 && 
           ( linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Category_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Template_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Help_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Image:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Image_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Portal:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Portal_talk:' ) != -1 || 
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User_talk:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/MediaWiki:' ) != -1 ||
             linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:' ) != -1 
 function sel_mode_Template (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Template:' ) != -1 
 function sel_mode_Portal (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Portal:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Template:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Category:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Image:' ) != -1 
 function sel_mode_User (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/User_talk:' ) != -1 
 function sel_mode_Wiki (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia:' ) != -1 
         ||  linkHTML.indexOf( 'href="/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:' ) != -1
 function sel_mode_Redir (linkHTML) {
     return  linkHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf( '</a> (redirect page' ) != -1
 function sel_mode_All (linkHTML) {
     return  true
==Da Main func==
 function select_pages(select_this, mode_name){
 body = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
 if( !body ){ return; }
 banner = document.getElementById('dpl_banner') 
 if (banner && banner.innerHTML.indexOf(mode_name) != -1) { 
     open(document.URL, "_self"); //refresh the page
 lists = body.getElementsByTagName( "ul" );
 for( j=0; j<lists.length; j++ ){
     lists[j].style.listStyleType = 'decimal';
 links = body.getElementsByTagName( "li" );
 dpl_in = 0;
 dpl_ex = 0;
 for( i=0; i<links.length; i++ ){
     if( select_this(links[i].innerHTML) ) {
         links[i].style.display = '';       // clear prior style
     } else {
         links[i].style.display = 'none';   // hide
 window.wlhCt = window.wlhCt || 0;
 window.wlhCt ++;
 banner_text = "Select Mode: " + mode_name + " (" 
     + dpl_in.toFixed() + " shown/" + dpl_ex.toFixed() + " hidden)";
 if (banner) {
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
     banner = document.getElementById('dpl_footer');
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
     banner = document.createElement("div"); = "dpl_banner"; = "yellow"; = 'larger';
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
     body = document.getElementById('footer');
     if( !body ){ return; }
     banner = document.createElement("div"); = "dpl_footer"; = "yellow"; = 'larger';
     banner.innerHTML = banner_text;
 }/* end function select_pages
==Da tabbar fiddler==
 addOnloadHook(function (){
     if (wgPageName != 'Special:Whatlinkshere') { return; } 
       // only add toolbox link on 'whatlinkshere' pages
     target = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName( "ul" );
     if( target.length == 0 ){ return; } //no action bar to hook into
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     if( wlhCmd == 'r' ) select_pages(sel_mode_Redir,"Redirect (auto)");
     target = target[0];
     newTool = document.createElement("li");
     target.appendChild( newTool );
     function ptool(btn,func,desc){
         return '<a href="" onclick="select_pages(sel_mode_'
             + func + ',\'' + desc + '\');return false;" title="'
             + desc + '">' + btn + '</a>'
     newTool.innerHTML = 'Filter mode:' 
         + ptool ('All', 'All',        'Show all')
         + ptool ('DPL', 'DPL',        'Main Space and Template')
         + ptool ('T',   'Template',   'Template Only')
         + ptool ('PTCI','Portal',     'Portal, Template, Category, Image')
         + ptool ('R',   'Redir',      'Redirect')
         + ptool ('W',   'Wiki',       'Wikipedia')
         + ptool ('U',   'User',       'User and User Talk')
     url500 = RegExp.$1;
     addPortletLink('p-cactions',url500 + '&limit=5000'
             ,'5000',null,'Show up to 5000 links');
     addPortletLink('p-cactions',url500 + '&limit=5000&wlhCmd=r'
             ,'All Redirects',null,'Show ALL Redirects (up to 5000 links)');
var body; // shortcut for body node
var xmlhttp; // XMLHTTPRequest object
var startNode; // div that includes section header and edit link
var editSec; // edit link
var editForm; // spliced edit form
var preview; // spliced preview or diff content
var oldContent; // original content of section
var xmlhttpDone = false; // kludge to prevent multiple calls to callback
function inc(path) {
  var lt = String.fromCharCode(60);
  var gt = String.fromCharCode(62);
  document.writeln(lt+'script type="text/javascript" src="/w/index.php?title='+path+'&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"'+gt+lt+'/script'+gt);
function initSecEdit()
  body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
  // apply to all divs of class "editsection"
  var editSecs = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
  var secCount = 1;
  var pagetitleRe=/\/(wiki\/|w\/index\.php\?title=)([^&?]*)/; // from [Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Techniques]
  for ( var i = 0; i < editSecs.length; i++ ) {
    if ( editSecs[i].getAttribute("class") == "editsection" ) {
      for ( var k = 0; k < editSecs[i].childNodes.length; k++ ) {
        if ( editSecs[i].childNodes[k].nodeName == "A" ) {
          // grab editing uri, escape it, then put it back in
          var editURI = ""+encodeURIComponent2(pagetitleRe.exec(decodeURI(editSecs[i].childNodes[k].getAttribute("href")))[2]).replace(/\"/gi, "%22").replace(/\'/gi, "%27")+"&action=edit&section="+secCount;
          // give it a unique id
          editSecs[i].childNodes[k].setAttribute( "id", "editSection"+secCount );
          // swap the href with a function call, passing the original href as the second parameter
          editSecs[i].childNodes[k].setAttribute( "href", "javascript:editSection( document.getElementById('editSection" + secCount + "'), '"+editURI+"' );" );
// called on click of section edit link
function editSection( elem, editURI )
  cancelEdit(); // get rid of any other sections being edited
  editSec = elem;
  startNode = elem.parentNode.parentNode;
  // initiate xmlhttprequest for section edit page
  xmlhttpDone = false;
  xmlhttp = null // kludge
  xmlhttp = createXMLHTTP( "GET", editURI, stateChange );
// put raw input returned from XMLHTTPRequest into a div so we can grab specific elements
function makeDiv( rawHTML )
  var div = createNode( body, "div", {style: "visibility: hidden; position: absolute;"} );
  div.innerHTML = rawHTML.replace(/<script[^>]*><\/script>/gi, ""); // if script tags are placed into the DOM, they force reload of files, and nasty things happen
  return div;
function isHTag( node )
  return node.nodeName.charAt(0) == 'H' && !isNaN( parseInt( node.nodeName.charAt(1) ) );
// callback for onclick of an edit link
function stateChange()
  if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
      if ( xmlhttpDone )
      xmlhttpDone = true;
      // store old content of section - loop until we hit header of same spot in hierarchy
      if ( !oldContent ) {
        oldContent = makeDiv("");
        var curElem = startNode.nextSibling;
        while ( curElem ) {
          var hitSiblingSection = false;
          if ( isHTag( curElem ) ) {
            for ( var i = 0; i < curElem.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
              if ( curElem.childNodes[i].nodeName == "SPAN"
                   && curElem.childNodes[i].getAttribute("class") == "editsection"
                   && parseInt( curElem.nodeName.charAt(1) ) <= parseInt( startNode.nodeName.charAt(1) ) )
                  hitSiblingSection = true;
          else if ( curElem.nodeName == "DIV" && curElem.getAttribute("class") == "printfooter" )
          if ( hitSiblingSection )
          var nextElem = curElem.nextSibling;
          oldContent.appendChild( curElem );
          curElem = nextElem;
        removeNode( oldContent );
      var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
      editForm = $("editform");
      // change onclick of preview and diff buttons to our function
      $("wpPreview").setAttribute( "type", "button" );
      $("wpPreview").setAttribute( "onclick", "javascript:getEditData( previewChanged, $('wpPreview') );" );
      $("wpDiff").setAttribute( "type", "button" );
      $("wpDiff").setAttribute( "onclick", "javascript:getEditData( diffChanged, $('wpDiff') );" );
      insertAfter( editForm, startNode );
      removeNode( div );
      editSec.setAttribute( "oldHref", editSec.getAttribute("href") );
      editSec.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:cancelEdit();" );
      editSec.innerHTML = "cancel";
      alert("Problem retrieving data - status: "+xmlhttp.status);
// firefox hack, not sure if this is a problem in other browsers
function encodeURIComponent2( content )
  // from []
  content = content.replace(/\&lt\;/gi, "<");
  content = content.replace(/\&gt\;/gi, ">");
  content = content.replace(/\&quot\;/gi, "\"");
  content = content.replace(/\&amp\;/gi, "&");
  return encodeURIComponent( content );
// encode differently based on type of form element
function field2Post( node, allowButton )
  var reqBody = "";
  switch ( node.nodeName ) {
    case "TEXTAREA":
      reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"="+encodeURIComponent2( node.value );
    case "INPUT":
      var inputType = node.getAttribute("type");
      if ( inputType == "checkbox" ) {
        if ( node.checked )
          reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"=on"
      else if ( allowButton || (inputType != "submit" && inputType != "button") )
        reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"="+encodeURIComponent2( node.value );
    case "DIV":
      reqBody += form2Post( node, false );
  return reqBody;
// manually encodes a form element for XMLHTTPRequest
function form2Post( node )
  var reqBody = "";
  for ( var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ )
    reqBody += field2Post( node.childNodes[i], false );
  return reqBody;
// get preview or diff data
function getEditData( callback, clickedBut )
  xmlhttpDone = false;
  xmlhttp = null; // kludge
  var action = editForm.getAttribute("action");
  xmlhttp = createXMLHTTP( "POST", ""+action, callback, {
    body: form2Post( editForm ) + field2Post( clickedBut, true ),
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      "Referer": "" + action.substring( 0, action.indexOf('&') ) + "&action=edit&section="+(parseInt(editSec.getAttribute("id").substring(11))+1)
  } );
// callback for preview data
function previewChanged()
  if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
      if ( xmlhttpDone )
      xmlhttpDone = true;
      var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
      if ( preview )
        removeNode( preview );
      preview = $("wikiPreview");
      insertAfter( preview, startNode );
      removeNode( div );
      alert("Problem retrieving data - status: "+xmlhttp.status);
// callback for diff data
function diffChanged()
  if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
      if ( xmlhttpDone )
      xmlhttpDone = true;
      var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
      if ( preview )
        removeNode( preview );
      preview = $("wikiDiff");
      insertAfter( preview, startNode );
      removeNode( div );
      alert("Problem retrieving data - status: "+xmlhttp.status);
// remove form and preview or diff data
function cancelEdit()
  if ( preview )
    removeNode( preview );
  preview = null;
  if ( editForm )
    removeNode( editForm );
  editForm = null;
  if ( oldContent ) {
    oldContent.setAttribute( "style", "position: static; visibility: visible;" );
    insertAfter( oldContent, startNode );
  oldContent = null;
  if ( editSec ) {
    editSec.setAttribute( "href", editSec.getAttribute("oldHref") );
    editSec.innerHTML = "edit";
addEventListener( "load", initSecEdit, false );