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Yeah. I love this site to no end... But then again, what centiant being that actually enjoys learning doesn't? It's very easy to get lost while browsing links on pages.
Any how, a little about me... I'm rather unoriginal in the sense that, since "CovertSushi" is never taken anywhere, I use that as my username for most everything. So, if one must contact me, please e-mail me (I use GMail, and I'd be glad to give you an invite if you want one) or contact me through AIM.
If you really want to know more about me, then contact me in one of the above ways. Or, if you'd like, reccomend me some colleges that fit the following criteria:
- Good swim team
- Good pre-med program
- Dorms that don't suck
- Good science program
And anything else you may want to throw in that would be an admirable quality to the average male. Finally, if you know anything about them, let me know about pysichiatry schools. I know, I'm very demanding. Next thing you know, I'll be asking for money... Got any?